said SMS Messages415 messages

All da elecTrons were having parTY suddenly proTons aTTacked ThemA herO came & saved da eLecTrons.TheY asKed hero "who r u?"he said "Bond .....Covalent bond"
Yestrdy my mobile had an accident with MOTOROLA and admitted to LG hospital near SAMSUNG chowk.

Dr.NOKIA said

"Matter is serious.Sms needed"
So plz donate SMS.....
Shortest Fairy Tale In Da World.... ONce upun a time , A Guy Asked a Girl ," Will U Marry me "

She said " No " & The Guy Lived Happilty Ever After :)
A pathan want 2 commit suicide,

When asked : Pathan said,my wife ran wid my Best Friend

& i can"t live widout my
friend.. ;->
What is d Diffrnce btwn POETRY n ESSAY ?








Any Word uttered by a GrlFrnd is POETRY.

Anything said by Wife is an ESSAY...
I met money.

I said u r just a piece of paper.

Money smiled n said

ofcourse i''m a piece of paper

but i havn''t seen a dustbin yet in life.
After a quarrel..

Wife said to her husband, "You know, I was a fool when I married you."

The husband replied, "Yes, dear, but I was in love and didn''t notice." :P
Believe in God!
Pray 2 god always n everytime.




I said PRAY!
NOT press-press!
Bandar ko mobile diya to aisa hi karega
He was a good man. He never smoked, drank & had no affair. When he died, the insurance company refused the claim. They said, he who never lived, cannot die!
A teenage girl had been talking on the phone for about half an hour, and then she hung up.
"Wow!," said her FATHER, "That was short. You usually talk for two hours. What happened?"
"Wrong number," replied the GIRL... ;->

:''~'': K33P SMiLiNG :''~'':

<''"> K?r?chi RoCk3rS <"''>
LALU PRASAD Bus k Uppar Khare Thay
Raste Me Toofan Aya
Dhoti Urh Gai,
Phr Bijli Karki.

LALU said: "Ek Tou Humri Dhoti Cheen Li
Upar Se FOTUA B Lewat hyn.." ;->
Musharaf ki car k neechay aik kuttay ka bacha aa k mar gia..
He stopped the car and told the driver to find the owner so he can give compensation..
The driver got down to look for the owner..
When he came back he had alot of rose garlands around his neck..
Musharaf was surprised n inquired about it..
Driver replied "i only said i am Musharafs driver, kuttay ka bacha mar gia hai.. Whoever heard this, embraced me and put a rose garland around my neck". ;->