said SMS Messages415 messages

Ppl often feel smthin but express smthin else.

Dey mean smthin but say smthin else.

So learn d art of sayin nothin

in such a way,

dat it leavs nothin unsaid.....;->
=/// TodAyZ ThoUghT ///=

Teach a man and you have taught only one,

but teach a woman and you have taught a family"

So very well said. The whole truth of universe just tied in few words.
=/// TodAyZ ThoUghT ///=

Teach a man and you have taught only one,

but teach a woman and you have taught a family"

So very well said. The whole truth of universe just tied in few words.
Teach A Man & You Have Taught Only One


Teach A Woman & YOu Have Taught A Family

So Very Well said The Whole Truth Of Universe Just Tied In Few Words
The Bitterest Tears

Shed Over GRAVES

Are For

Words Left Unsaid


Deeds Left Undone ...
|| 2dAyzZz tHoUgHt ||

It Has Been said That Time Heals All Wounds.
I Do Not Agree. The Wounds Remain. In Time,
The Mind, Protecting Its Sanity,
Covers Them With Sear Tissue,
And The Pain Lessens,
But It Is Never Gone.

To explane any feeling do not wright it cause when you did it
than you can''t speak properlly what you feel.
Just said it man
''''The greatest advantage

of speaking truth is that

you don''t have to remember

what you said.....''''

Think about it..:-)..!!

Have ur own... ;->
Shakspear said :-
"When you develop the ability to listen
to anything without losing your temper or self-confidence,

it means you''ve become
when i woke up early morning birds were singing i asked them i m
missing a sweet voice in u a bird replied: u still havn"t said
good morning to taht sweet GooD MorninG sweet heart
For years I kept a sign in my room that helped me maintain the right perspective concerning yesterday.
It simply said..
Ended Last Night..”
It reminded me that no matter how badly I might have failed in the past, it’s done, n today is a new day to make things better.
gud morning!
Two devils came in my dreams and they said we want to disturb a nice person. so i gave ur name. But,they said that they can''t disturb their boss. Gud n8.