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A Sailor Ws Stuck In An Island

Whr He Ws D Only Survivor.

He Made A Hut4his Sheltr.Day N Nite,

He Ws Prayin N Waitin4sum1 To Rescue Him

Bt No1came.He Stored Food In D Hut 4 his Survival,

Bt1day,D Hut Burned2ashes N Nothing

Ws Left Of It.He Ws So Angry,

He said,"God,

Y Hav U Done Dis2me?!

"D Next Morning,Rescuers Came.

He Askd "Hw Did U Know Dat I Ws Hre?"

They Replied,"V Saw A Smoke Signal!"

Trust God Whn Misfortune Happens,

His Plans R Always Greater Than Ours.
When Thomas Edison Invented The Light Bulb,
He Tried Over 2,000 Experiments Before
He Got It To Work.

A Young Reporter Asked Him How
It Felt To Fail So Many Times. .
He said,
" I Never Failed Once .
I Invented The Light Bulb.
It Just Happened To Be A 2,000 Step Process

Dnt b disappointed if d
world refuses 2 help U
Remember d words by
"I m thankful 2 all those
who said NO. Its bcoz of
them I did it myself ...
A 10 Years Old Boy Went
To An Ice-cream Shop
& Asked How Much A
Cone Costs ???
Waiter said Rs: 15 Rs
The Boy Started
Counting How Much He
Had In His Wallet ...
Then He Asked
How Much A Small Cup
Waiter said: 12 Rs
The Boy Asked For A
Small Cup , He Had It
And Paid The Bill & Left
When The Waiter Came
To Pick The Empty Cup ,
He Was Touched. The Boy
Had Left 3 Rs Coins As
Tip For Him ...

... Moral ...
Try Giving
Something To Everyone
Out Of Whatever Little
You Have ...
Mark Willson said
"To Be The Subject oF Jealousy iS The Sign oF Failure iN Life,
tO Be The Object oF Jealousy iS The Sign oF Success iN Life" ;->
One day a Man said 2 God: I LOVE U THE MOST.

God took all his wealth n asked: Do u love Me now?

The man said: More than before !

God made all his family against him so they all left him.

God asked: Do u still love Me?

He said: Yes

God made him so poor that he had nothing 2 wear n eat !

God asked once more: Do u love me now?

The man said: I love U the most now because..

A turtle was trying hard to fly.

Each time it tried to fly the turtle fell back to the ground.

About an hour later, watching these proceedings from the end of the branch were two birds.

Mummy bird turned to Daddy bird and said:Don''t you think its time that we tell him, he was adopted? :(
Two devils came in 2 my dreams.
They said-We want 2 disturb some good person.
I suggest them ur name.
They said -We cannot disturb our boss.
One day a monkey looked into mirror & said,
"Oh my ugly face, fat nose" and killed himself.
Promise me u will not look into mirror,
coz I dont wanna loose you!
One day a donkey looked into mirror n said, "Oh, ugly face, big nose, narrow eyes "Afterwards he kiled himself.

So plz don''t look into mirror coz..

I''ll miss u... :P
One day a donkey looked into mirror n said, "Oh, ugly face, big nose, narrow eyes "Afterwards he kiled himself.

So plz don''t look into mirror coz..

I''ll miss u... :P
U r

''P'' ure

''I'' ntelligent


''G'' reat. . . . !

said That Sarcastically . . .

Wanna Know What I Meant For Real. . . . ?

Read the Alphabets Enclosed In Inverted Commas

That''s From My Heart . . . .