Dnt b disappointed

Dnt b disappointed

Dnt b disappointed if d
world refuses 2 help U
Remember d words by
"I m thankful 2 all those
who said NO. Its bcoz of
them I did it myself ...

Jun, 14 2010     160 chars (1 sms)     2236 views       Inspirational

more Inspirational SMS Messages

In d walk of life,

Dont worry of people moving ahead of U.

Take ur own time.

Bt once U r ready to run,

make sure U r d best Of all
There are some people who live in a dream world
There are some who face reality
Then there are those who turn one into the other...
Language has a great impact:
Those who speak rude, can't sell honey,
but those who speak sweet can even sell chilies
Alexanders Beautiful Last Words:

Bury My Body,Dnt Build Any Monumnt.Kep My Hand Outsid
So D Wrld Knws,Who Won D Wrld Had Ntng In Hand Wen Died
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At times, even the Sun’s brightness is overshadowed by clouds.
Why can’t yours?

However dark and dense the clouds may be, Sun will shine back. And it will shine the brightest.
Why can’t you
The test of courage comes when we are in the minority.


The test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority
Life Is Not About

Waiting To That

One Storm To Pass

It Is About Getting Out There


Dancing In Its Rain ...
A Fantastic Sentence at Japan Country Bus Stop:
"Only Buses Will Wait Here.
Not your Time.
So Keep Walking Towards your Goal"
Amazing truth...

People fight for religion, die for religion, but don''t follow religion...

Strange but True.
On the road of Life
Losses r just like puddles,
Even if You drop in some,
Keep moving the express
Highways await You ... (:
Luck is not in your hand
Work is in your hand;
Luck never makes your work
Work can make your luck.

So always trust in yourself...