said SMS Messages415 messages

''Ladies were fighting for the seat in bus,

Both were claiming that she came first, one old man was watching this all.

At last he said: Beta kyun lar rahe ho ?

Is ka hal mein tum ko batata hon Tum mein se jo bhi umar mein bari hai wo baith jaye,
''Two devils came in 2 my dreams.
They said,
“We want 2 disturb some good person.”
I suggest them your name.
They said,
“We cannot disturb our boss.”''
Most Innocent & Heart Touching
lines said by a Truely Loving Girl
to her lover boy friend at Break up

Kuttay Kameenay..!!J
a marr, dafa ho.
teri shakal pehle din se he kameeno jesi lagi thi mujhe,
Chimgadar ki shakal walay,
Khabis Insan... ;->
Who said english is easy???Fill in the blank with YES or No... 1.-----I dont have brain... 2.-----I dont have sence... 3.-----I am stupid..
TODAY i was going to be millinoer as a man came to me and asked to sell the most valuable thing i posses, i said i have nothing, he asked about my love, i said i have given it to "the person readin th message"
sardar, a japanese, and a britisher were shipwrecked on a deserted
island. One day they came upon an old lamp buried in the sand.
As they brushed the sand from the lamp a Genie appeared and said I''ll
give each of you one wish." The japanese said "I wish I was home!" PUFF and
he was gone! The britisher said "I wish I was home!" PUFF and he too
was gone. The sardar said "Boy is it lonely here! I wish my friends were
A sardar was tired of being sardar and constantly being the subject of all
those dumb sardar jokes. He finally cut his hair. He decided to take a drive through the country to celebrate his new life. Going past a field of sheep (he loved sheep) he stopped and asked the farmer "If i can guess how many sheep in your flock, can I have one?" The farmer laughed and said "Sure, Sir"
He gazed out for a few seconds and said "There''s 1,973 sheep" The farmer said with amazement "Your''re right! Go and pick one out". On his way back to his car he was stopped by the farmer yelling "Hey Sir! If I can guess your real identity can I have my dog back?"
Dead Bird: A Sardar and a Paki were walking outside when the Paki said, "Oh look at the dead bird."
The Sardar looked skyward and said, "Where, where?"
some 1 asked me 2 describe u in 2 words....
he xpected me to answer d word the best.....

but i didnt answer i just simply smile n said''''no comparison''''.
After a quarrel, a husband said to his wife, "You know, I was a fool when I married you." She replied, "Yes, dear I know, but I was in love and didn''t notice."
Once an angle came up to me & granted me a wish. I asked for "world
peace". That''s impossible, he said. Then I asked himto give u
brains. He said "Let me try world peace"
What happened 2 ur network?
I tried 2 call u
but the operator
said "Welcome 2 the jungle,
the monkey u r
trying to call is
on the tree....Plz try later."