look SMS Messages434 messages

Wife: You always carry my photo in your handbag to the office. Why?
Darling : When there is a problem, no matter how impossible, I look at your picture and the problem disappears.

Wife: You see, how miraculous and powerful I am for you?
Darling : Yes, I see your picture and say to myself, “What other problem Can there be greater than this one?
God has given many qualities to you,
Good look, personality, charm, intelligence,
And many more……this is call as
“Allah meherbaan to gadha bhi pehalwan…”

Close ur eyes n think about yourself,

ur face

ur style

ur nature

ur smile

ur looks

Now open your eyes

Free main HORROR film dikhai na?

Chalo thanks bolo;-)
Life is like a drama:

If u r sad (TRAGEDY)
If u r afraid (SUSPENSE)
If u r angry (ACTION)
If u look in da mirror (COMEDY)

God has given Eyes: To look at U. Hands: To pray for U. Mind: To remember U. Heart : To love U. And And Legs: To kick u if u 4get me.
Girl before marriage looks like, Barbie doll.. After Marriage, Beautiful doll.. After 1 year, Nice doll.. After 2 years, Only doll.. After 3 years, Panadol........
When I saw you, I was afraid to look at you. When I look at you, I was afraid to touch you. When I touch you, I was afraid to kiss you. When I kiss you I was afraid to love you and now that I love you I''m afraid to lose you.
U look sweet when u read my message.
U look sweeter when u read my message & smile.
U look sweetest when u read my message, smile & reply.
So, try to look sweetest.
A boy came running in the kitchen,
Boy:Dad, There is an ugly monster at the door
Dad(looking at his wife):
Tell him we have already got one!
How to grow up a baby 2 make it absoulte charming, smart, good looking, truthful n extremely intelligent kid ?

Our freindship

U happy
I happy,

U sad,
I sad,

U Laugh
I laugh,

U cry
I cry,

U jump
out of window,
I look down
A very shy young man goes into a bar and sees a beautiful woman sitting alone, after 1 hour he gathers enough courage to ask her
"Excuse me can i sit beside u?"

she responds loudly "NO I DONT WANA SPEND THE NIGHT WITH U"

every 1 in the bar starts to look at the man, the man was embarrassed
After a few minutes the woman walks over to his table smiles n apologizes says u see im a psychology student studying how people respond to embarrasing situations,

Man replied(loudly): WHAT 10 THOUSAND DOLLARS 4 ONE NIGHT?:-D