look SMS Messages434 messages

3-2=one heart praying 4u

1+1=two eyes looking 4u

3+2=five sensesmissing u

4+3=seven days in a week I desire u,

7+5=1 2months asking GOD 2 bless u.
Don''t define ur failure by looking at somebody''s Success.
Also don''t define ur Success by looking at somebody''s failure.
Set ur own targets everyday to break!
|= = = t0dAyz Th0uGhT = = = |

Don’t define ur failure by looking at somebody’s Success.
Also don’t define ur Success by looking at somebody’s failure.
Set ur own targets everyday to break!
A good plan for today

is better than a great plan for tommorow.

look backward with satisfaction

and look forward with confidence.
| t0DaYz tHoUgHt |

Waves are always our inspiration
Not bcoz of they look beautiful...
But whenever they go down they come up with a greater speed
|. . . ToDaYz ThOuGhT . . .|

If U Want To Know Ur Past

look Into Ur Present Conditions


If U Want To Know Ur Future

look Into Ur Present Actions
|. . . ToDaYz ThOuGhT . . .|

If U Want To Know Ur Past

look Into Ur Present Conditions


If U Want To Know Ur Future

look Into Ur Present Actions
Always remember that God makes happy endings.
If its not happy,its not yet the end
Live by love & Hope.
There is always something to look forward too.
God Bless you always!!
Take A look At Those Two Open Hands Of Urs. . .

They Are The Tools With Which To Serve, Make Friends & Reach Out For The Best In Life . . .

Open Hands Open The Way To Achievement . . .

Put Them To Work Today . . . .
We Always look And Care

For The Person Whom

We Like Most....

But We Fail To look Back

For Those Who Like

And Care 4 Us The Most.
While Building ur Team,
Always Search 4 People Who, "Love To Win."

If That''s Difficult 2 Find. Then Atleast look 4 People Who, "Hate 2 Loose."
|| tOdAyzZz tHoUgHt ||

If your success is not on your own terms,

If it looks good to the world


Does not feel good in your heart,

It is not success at all.