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Love is an act of endless forgiveness
A tender look which becomes a habit
You got My love
You got My Promise
I'' ll be yours '' till the very end
Your my Swetheart
Your the ONE I"m looking for
This LOVE is unconditional
This LOVE will never fate
LOVE is the meaning of you
Your my ALL
Here''s a Heart that says:
I am yours FOREVER....
Loving you could take my life, but when I look into your eyes, I know you''re worth that sacrafice!
Things base and vile, holding no quantity,
Love can transpose to form and dignity.
Love looks not with the eye, but with the mind,
And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.

~ William Shakespeare ~
Love Is When . . .
There Are Million Things You Wanted To Say To Someone
When They look You In The Eyes & Hold You In Their Arms
Nothing In Life Matters
Other Than Being With That Person At That Moment
And When You look Into

My Eyes

And Say I''m Gonna

Love You

Till The Day That

I Die

I Know That This Is Heaven.
You Were A Revelation
The Day I Saw You Standing
In The Distance
Your Hands Held Tight The Balcony
An Overcast look Adorned Your Face
And For The Second Time In My Life
I Needed To Hold You
And Oh, How I Wanted To.
Forgive Me.
When I look In To Mirror

I See My Half View

Because You Are Not There ...
Come Close To Me

And look Into My Eyes;

Tell Me What You See..

Try To look Deeper

In Them,

And Find Yourself In Me..

Like the stars in the sky
I am calling to you.
From the heavens above
I am looking for you.
In the depths of my soul
I will live and breathe for you.
Sadness dwells inside you
You have nothing to fear
for I am next to you.
I can feel your sadness
Let me be sad for you
so you will feel love once again.
Worry not about life
let me worry for you.
You should always love life
for it is a part of you.
I''ll be there when you fall
to catch you and say I Love You...
Saying Goodbye

So Soft
The Brief Touch Of Your Lips
On My Cheek.

Was I Almost Intruding?

"look After Yourself "
Should Have Been
"I Love You!"

Then The Jumbo Flew Over
My Head
And I Shouted My Love
Above The Roar
And Thundering Thrust

. . . As If You''d Hear.

Through The Clouds In My Eyes
I Watched You Fly Away
And Wished I''d Been Born With Wings.
look Into My Eyes

You Will See

What You Mean To Me

Search Your Heart ,

Search Your Soul


When You Find Me

You Will Search No More ...