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The Duck looks Smooth n Calm On Top Of Water


Underneath Ther Is Restless Peddling . . .

Similiarly In Life Nothing Worth while Comes
Without Struggle . . .
A boy was drowning in a river and he shouted for help. A man passing by jumped in the river and saved the boy’s life. As the man was leaving the boy said, “Thank you.”
The man asked, “For what?” The boy replied, “For saving my life.”
The man looked into the boy’s eyes and said, “Son, make sure when you grow up that your life was worth saving.”
Mistakes Are The Lessons Of Wsdom
Whn U Make A Mistake, Dont look
Back At It For Long
Take The Lesson & Move Frwrd
Although The Past Cant B Changed
How To Shape The Future
Is Still In Ur Hands ...
If You look At What You Do Not Have In Life,
You Don''t Have Anything,
If You look At What You Have In Life,
You Have Everything.
Being Happy Doesnt Mean Everything Is Perfect
It Means Dat U Have Decided To look
Beyond All The Imperfection & It Is The
Most Beautiful Type Of Faith On ALLAH
WhAt lookS tO b NoThInG
fInAlLy ThAt BeCoMeS eVeRyThInG
WhAt Is EvErYtHiNg
SuDdEnLy ChAnGeS tO nOtHiNg ...

ThAt''Z "L I F E"

LeArN tO lIvE
LiVe To LeArN
While building ur team,

search always for people

who luv to win.

if it is difficult to find,

atleast look for people

who hate to lose!
YoUr VisIoN
WiLl bEcOmE cLeaR oNlY
yOu cAn look iNtO
yOuR OwN hEaRt .
WhO looks oUtsIdE,
wHo lookS iNsIdE
aWaKeNs ...
FoR gOoD oR iLl ,
YoUr CoNvErSaTiOn Is
YoUr AdVeRtIsEmEnT ...
EvErY tImE yOu OpEn
YoUr MoUtH
yOu LeT tHe PeOpLe
look InTo YoUr MiNd ...
Our Eyes Are Placed
In front
It Is More Important
To look Ahead
To look Back ...
Don''t see back when you are moving to success.

But don''t forget to look back after achieving success
All The Birds Have
Flown Up & Gone
A Lonely Cloud
Floats Leisurely By
We Never Tire Of
looking At Each Other
Only The Moon & I

_ DaRk TeMpTaTiOn _