look SMS Messages434 messages

There are 3 different forms of

1. looking Good

2. Feeling Good

3. Being Good

If U Aim The Third One, Than First Two Will Be Automatically Granted

Life is like having a cup of coffee...

You sit by the window,
lift the cup,
take a careless sip,
and find no sugar..

Too lazy to go for the sugar, you somehow manage with that sugarless cup..

On finishing,
you discover undissolved sugar crystals settled at the bottom...!

Thats how life is..!

We do not make any effort to value n find what is around or within us.

So look around.
May be the sweetness you are looking for is closer than u think..!
I always knew that looking back on my tears would someday make me laugh but i never knew that looking back on my laughter would someday make me cry...
Extreme of fashion?

Dhotee with zip

Extreme of secrecy?

Blank visiting card

Extreme of stupidity?

lookin throgh a keyhole of a glass door.

Extreme of Dehydration

A cow giving milk powder.

Extreme of Kanjusi.

A man after accident lying on the road giving misscalls to Edhi.
Being happy doesn''t mean that everything is perfect.

It means that you''ve decided to look beyond the imperfections. Gud Day!
The essence of water

Water is the key to survive
The treasured sea of pure life.

When we are thirsty, we drink water
We bath and we use water
While we cook, we introduce and include water

When I am sad, I cry water
When it rains, it pours water
When I clean, I employ water
When I play, I apply water
When I am sick, I pee water
And I look at the sea and see water.
look At Sun And C Time

look in The HEart N C LOVE

look In The Eyes And C Life

look At ur Mobile N C WHo''s Remembering U ..!!!!

What did u read?

"Live together"


"Live To Get Her"

Just a beautiful way

2 say "LIFE is d way how u look n react.."
look Around You


Appreciate Those

Who Care About You .....

Be thankful They Are
In Your Life ..... =)
Do U Want To See The Gift That God Gave Me?

Where Are You Searching....

Just look At The Mirror,Its U My Dear Friend...!
When I look At You,

I Cannot Deny There Is God,

Cause Only God Could Have Created Some One

As Wonderful N Beautiful As You
People Are Not Beautiful

As They look
As They Walk
As They Talk

People Are Beautiful

As They Sincere
As They Care
As They Remember ... (: