Life is like having

Life is like having

Life is like having a cup of coffee...

You sit by the window,
lift the cup,
take a careless sip,
and find no sugar..

Too lazy to go for the sugar, you somehow manage with that sugarless cup..

On finishing,
you discover undissolved sugar crystals settled at the bottom...!

Thats how life is..!

We do not make any effort to value n find what is around or within us.

So look around.
May be the sweetness you are looking for is closer than u think..!

Jun, 19 2010     478 chars (3 sms)     2318 views       Decent

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This Is Ramzan Offer "1 Ka 70 .... 1 Naiki Karo Auro 70 Naikion Ka Sawab Kamao"