Relationships Are Precious

Relationships Are Precious
Relationships Are Precious

Don''t Take Them For Granted

Its Sad But True
That The Worst Pain In Life Is When

Someone "U KNOW"
Turns Into Someone "U KNEW" ...

Jun, 19 2010     169 chars (2 sms)     2014 views       Decent

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The Person reading
this, Help Him/Her
live a beautiful life,
promote Him/Her &
cause Him/Her 2 excel
beyond expectations
Help Him/Her 2 shine in
the darkest places &
give Him/Her love where
it''s impossible. Above
all give Him/Her
Jannah ...

~ Aamiin ~
"The three hardest tasks in the world are neither physical feats nor intellectual achievements, but moral acts:
1) To return love for hate;
2) To include the excluded; and
3) To say ''I was wrong.''"
Gate Of Memories Wil Never Close,
How Much We Miss Our Friends Nobody Knows,
Days Will Pass Like Years,
We Will Remember The Memories In
Silent Tears,
Sweetest part in life is to carry all the MeMoRiEs..
The toughest part is to stay away for long time from the person who is behind those MeMoRiEs...!
An Honest Smile From
A Smiling Heart
Crossing Many
Has Just Reached Ur

Inbox ...

Wishing U A Life,
Full Of Smiles...

Keep :)ing
If u can't fly than run
If u can't run than walk

If u can't walk than cwral
keep moving towards ur goal ..
The real art of conversation is not only to
say the right thing at the right time,
but also to leave unsaid the wrong thing
at the tempting moment....
Be "CLOSE" with SOME 1 who makes you happy....


Be "CLOSER" to that person who can''t be happy without you!

"Feel the difference"
Try Understndin Diz Msg,
Dn U Cn Reach Any Height In Ua Lyf

"An Inch Of Time Is An Inch Of Gold,

Bt U Cnt Buy Dt Inch Of

Time Wd Any Inch Of Gold..
The appearence of things change according to the emotions, and thus we see magic and beauty in them, while the magic and beauty are really ourselves
Hanstey Raho
Khil-Khilate Raho

Har Pal Yunhi Khushiyaan
Tum Manate Raho

Yaad Aaye Na Koi
Gham Zindagi Ka

Itnii Khushiya''n
Manate Raho
Girl to Boyfriend:Mein kal tumse nahi mil sakti.

Boy:Thek hai mein tumhara gift kisi aur ko de deta hun....

Girl:Mera matlab tha kal nahi aa sakti,abhi kahan ho ?