Once Upon A Time,
It Happened 2 Me
The Sweetest Thing
That Cud Evr B
It Was A Fantasy
A Dream Come True
It Was d Day
I Came To Know
Some1 Like "YOU" (:
Sweetest part in life is to carry all the MeMoRiEs..
The toughest part is to stay away for long time from the person who is behind those MeMoRiEs...!
The person who risks nothing,
does nothing,
has nothing.
He may avoid suffering & sorrow,
He simply can''t learn & feel & change
& grow & love & live...
When any tension creps in ur mind, just close ur eyes,
think of me and see ur fingers u wil find my fingers clutched into ur fingers.
I m
Wid u
A Relationship
Should Have
The Determination
Like A Mirror
Which Never Loses
Its Ability To Reflect
If It Is Broken In To
Thousand Pieces
"Never believe what the lines of your hand predict about your future, because people who don''t have hands also have a future.
Believe in your Allah & yourself:"