Khuda kry k tumko

Khuda kry k tumko
Khuda kry k tumko JUDAI na mile
kisi k dard me TANHAI na mile
ager muje sms na kro to kuch aisa ho
k mosam ho sardi ka or
tumhen RAZAI na mile

Jun, 19 2010     147 chars (1 sms)     2589 views       Decent

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HaRdEsT MoMeNt Is NoT ThAt
WhEn u |osE SutHiNg
TeArs CoMe OuT OuT Ov Ur EyEzZz....


It''S tHe OnE, WhEn U LoSe SuMtHiNg
StI|| MaNaGe To CrY.....
Umar K Samandar Me

Roshni Ki Khwaish Me

Waqt k Sitare Hyn

Jis Khuda Ne Ye Dhart

Ye Falak Sanware Hyn

Us Se Iltija Hy Ye

Aur Meri Dua Hy Ye

Wo Aap Ki Qismat Me

ILM Ki Rida Likh De

WAQT Ki Ada Likh De

PYAR Be-panah Likh De

MAA Ki Dua Likh De

Aur Apni RAZA Likh De

~ Aameen~

There Are Three "R''s"

Important In Life

1 . "R"espect For Self

2 . "R"espect For Others


3. "R"esponsibility For All Your Actions
When a love comes to an end, weak cry, efficient ones instantly find another love, and the wise already have one in reserve...
So b wise always ;-
Don''t Run Away From Yoour Fears . . .

Run Towardz Your Fears . . .

Hug Your Monsters . . .

An Extraordinary Life Will Follow . . . =)
I Feel That Tears R The Best.
They Come To Accompany U When U R Really Happy&
They R There When U R Really Sad&
U Have No One Wid U
But They R Alwayz Wid Us
I may Not Be The Most
Important Person In
Your Life


I Just Hope That

1 Day When You Hear
My Name

You Would Just Smile
& Say

"hey ! That''s My Friend..." (=
2 Keep Ur Marriage Brimming,

Wid Love In The Wedding Cup,

Wenever U''re Wrong, Admit It;

Wenever U''re Right, Shut Up.
I Want Go Back To
That Time

When ''''Getting High''''
Meant On ''''Swing''''

When ''''Mom'''' Was
The Only ''''Hero''''

When ''''Dad''s Shoulders''''
Were The ''''Highest Place''''
On Earth

When ''''Worst Enemies''''
Were Ur ''''Siblings''''

When The Only Thing
That Could ''''Hurt'''' U
Were ''''Skinned Knees''''

When The Only Things
''''Broken'''' Were Ur ''''Toys''''


When ''''Good Byes'''' Only
Meant ''''Till Tomorrow''''


Talash Karo..




Talash Karo Jo Tumhe


U r The Best
Heart Surgeon In The World
U Made A Place In My
Widout Cutting
Spilling Blood.
I''m Lucky To Have U.....
There r two things u can do after waking up in the morning....

Go back to sleep and continue ur dream...

Get up and chase ur dream...