Khuda kry k tumko

Khuda kry k tumko
Khuda kry k tumko JUDAI na mile
kisi k dard me TANHAI na mile
ager muje sms na kro to kuch aisa ho
k mosam ho sardi ka or
tumhen RAZAI na mile

Jun, 19 2010     147 chars (1 sms)     2586 views       Decent

more Decent SMS Messages

Like words written on sand,
To be washed away by a rough tide.
Or, like a name etched on a rock
Withstanding the assault of time.
One hurts you, so that you may find someone who can heal you.
If nobody is there to hurt u, u will never know d person who cares for U.
Relations r Like a
''Rubber band''


You Can Stretch It As
Much As You Want
But Don''t Leave It After
Bcoz It Really

H U R T S ..
life has no rewinds, and no forwards, it unfolds at its own pace
so neva miss a chance to LIVE today,
and make a BEAUTIFUL story for tomorrow
Relationships Are Like Traffic Signs



Do Not Enter

No U Turn

No Left Turn


The Best So Far Is

Give Way & Keep Right ... (:->
Think of life as a great road trip ... if you spend too much time looking back at where you've been, you'll miss what's ahead.....!!!!! d
We act as though comfort & luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about.
forever is good...but i think today is forever bcoz what we sow ...we reap that...what we do today will reflect forever
Taking Sips Of Coffee

Lying In Cozy Bed With
Blanket Around

Reading Novel Or
Watching Movie

Long Gossips With
Friends !

Rain Wid Soft Muzik

Long Walk On
Sea Shore At Night
With A Cyp Of Tea
In Hand

All U Can Enjoy
It''s WINTER Again !!
If your eyes are positive u would like all people in the world


If your tongue is positive all the people in the world will like u!
When a love comes to an end, weak cry, efficient ones instantly find another love, and the wise already have one in reserve...
So b wise always ;-
U r Receiving This Msg 4m SMILE''S & CO.
We Are Just Checking If
All Cutie Pies On Earth Are Happy & Smiling.
Hey Thats Such A Cute Smile :-)