when the lips are closed,the heart begins to speak.
When the heart is silent,the soul blazes up
bursting into flame and this illuminates
the whole of our life...
We Have No Right To Ask When A Sorrow Comes. . . ''Why Did This Happen To Me. . . ?'' Unless
We Ask The Same Question For Every Joy That Comes Our Way. . .
BeCaUsE oF yOu !
I bElIeVe In Me
YoU''vE bRoUgHt,
A lIgHt InTo Me
BeCaUsE oF yOu !
My HeArT nO lOnGeR
yOu TaUgHt Me HoW
tO lOvE n To Be LoVeD
BeCaUsE oF yOu !
I m No LoNgEr ScArEd
I fEeL bRaNd NeW
eAcH dAy, As I gO
tHrOuGh EaCh HoUr
BeCaUsE oF yOu !
I''vE nO dOuBtS
yOuR fRiEnDsHiP gUiDeS
mE iN aLl Go ThRoUgH
ThNx It''S aLl BeCaUsE
oF yOu .. :)
Ppl often feel smthin bt xpress smthin else
Dey mean smthin but say smthin else
So learn d art of sayin nothin
in such a way dat it leavs nothin unsaid...
MeMoRiEs r tReAsUrEd,
No oNe cAn StEaL.
PaRtInG Is hEaRtAcHe,
nO oNe cAn HeAl.
SoMe''ll fOrGoT u wHeN u R gOnE,
BuT I''ll r3m3mb3r u No MaTteR HoW lOnG.....