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Sometimes I look at my friends and think to myself,

"Where the hell did I meet these crazy people?"

But then I think "What the hell would I do without them" (:

God Created Millions Of Faces With Different looks..

But When He Reached China, He Was Exhausted.

Then He Started

Ctrl C, Ctrl V, Ctrl C, Ctrl V
A 24 year old boy seeing out 4rm train's window shouted.

Dad, look the trees r going behin!

Dad smiled nd a young couple sitting nearby looked at the 24 year old's childish behavior with pity.
suddenly he again exclaimed

"dad look the clouds r running with us!"
the couple couldn't resist and said to the old man.
"why don't you take ur son to a good Doctor??"
the old man smiled and said "I did nd we are just coming 4rm hospital. my son was blind 4rm birth he just got his eyes today"

MOral: Every single person on the planet has a story' don't judge people be4 u know them. the truth might surprise u.
Every great man was once a crying baby

Every great building was once a drawing on a map.

Its not important what you are today, but the important thing is what you are going to be tomorrow :)
It Will Make You look Better.
It Will Keep You Strong.
It Will Make You Enjoy Life.
Sometime its better to bunk a class & do masti with friends...Bcoz
when i look back....
Marks never make me laugh but memories
In a park 2 lovers were eating chps by looking in 2 each other eyes,
Boy:Wat r u thinking rite now?
Girl:I think ur eating more chips than me..!
look...the moon is calling you, SEE...the stars are shining for you, HEAR... my heart saying good night to u
Each time I miss you, a star falls down from the sky. So, if you looked up at the sky and found it dark with no stars, it is all your
fault. You made me miss you too much!
Think of life as a great road trip ... if you spend too much time looking back at where you've been, you'll miss what's ahead.....!!!!! d
8 Best Moments In Life

> Giving The 1st Salary To Ur Parents.

> Thinking Your Love With Tears.

> looking Old Photos & Smiling.

> A Sweet & Emotional Chat With Friends

> Holding Hands With Your Loved Ones For A Walk.

> Getting A Hug From One Who Cares You.

> 1st Kiss To Your Child When He /She Is Born.

> The Moments When Your Eyes Are Filled With Tears After A Big Laugh.

" Hit Like If U Have Best Moments" ?
main raho ya na raho,ye dua rahe ge meri
tum khush raho sada mere sath b mere bad b