Think Of Life

Think Of Life
Think of life as a great road trip ... if you spend too much time looking back at where you've been, you'll miss what's ahead.....!!!!! d

Oct, 01 2011     137 chars (1 sms)     2512 views       Decent

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Ppl often feel smthin bt xpress smthin else
Dey mean smthin but say smthin else
So learn d art of sayin nothin
in such a way dat it leavs nothin unsaid...
Rich people travel in cars
poor people travel in carts
but people like u
always travel in hearts
Zindagi Mai

Kuch Cheezain

Aapki Sanso Ki

Dor Se Bandhi

Hain Jo Apko

Kabhi Nahi

Chorein Gi ....

1) Waqt

2) Dil Ki Dharkan

3) Aapka Saya

4) Naseeb


5)Meri Duain..!!
Every Fool Knows That He Cant Reach The Stars

But It Never Keeps A Wise Man From Trying
To Remove Negative Thinking
To Amplify The Character
To Drop Bad Habits
To Store Good Thoughts:-)
Do U Realy Wana Know What Is Da

Best Short Cut Of Jannat??

Go2 ''Write Msg'', Activate Dictionary(T9)

& Press 7273687

TRY... /
When u feel God is rubbing u against the rocks,

don''t think that u''ll ruin down to dust,

it''s just that he is polishing a gem, coz u are precious!
Life''s lessons

1) Destiny is simply strength of our desires. If you cry at a trouble, it grows double. If you laugh at a trouble it disappears like a bubble...

2) Don''t complain about others; Change yourself if you want peace. It is easier to protect your feet with slippers than to cover the entire earth with carpet.

3) Every king was once a helpless baby and every great building was once a blue print. Its not where you are today, but where you''ll reach Tomorrow.

4) In the race between cat and mouse, the mouse mostly wins, because the cat is running for the food & mouse for its life. Remember purpose is more important than need.
Someone Remembers, Somebody Cares, YOUR Name Is Whispered In Somebody’s Prayers, Keep The Bright Hope Of Sunshine In View, Someone Is Warmly Thinking Of You
Learn frm a candle. which burn itself 4 lightening the others way. Live in such a way that even u die but always alive in the gr8 memories of others.
Decisions are the hardest move to make. Especially when its a choice between where you should be and where you want to be. :)
This Msg Is 4m Hum 2 Tum


Hum is Missing Tum Very Much

Without Tum, Hum Is Very Lonely

So Tum Never Go Far From Hum


Hum Will Die Without Tum ... ;->