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Oct, 01 2011     121 chars (1 sms)     2917 views       Decent

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"Aansu" Us "Waqt"
Muqaddas Hotey
Hain ...

Jab Wo Kisi Aur k
Dukh Aur Takleef Ko
Mehsoos Kr K
Niklai''n ...
U R My
{ Q k dawlance reliable hai }

" PEL "
{ Aj B Kal B }

M Ur
" SUFI "
{ Jo Naam Hai Eitmaad Ka }

Our Relationship Like

{ Itnna Khalis jitna pyar }
Life is cricket
Dont lose ur wicket
Try 2 get century
Never 4get ur boundry
Even if u r run out
Never become mood out
BeCoz GoD Is 3Rd umpire..... :->
God has 4 gifts for U: A key for every problem, a light for every shadow, a plan for every tomorrow & a joy for every sorrow. Enjoy God''s Gift forever.
I Feel That Tears R The Best.
They Come To Accompany U When U R Really Happy&
They R There When U R Really Sad&
U Have No One Wid U
But They R Alwayz Wid Us

When days and years will glide by. .

And u''ll cart an eye.

U''ll remember there was someone sincere. . .

Who left a kind rememberance here. . !!
As we sail thru life, don’t avoid Storms & Rough waters, just let it Pass... Sail on! Bcoz calm seas will never make Skilled Sailors.

-Luv ur bed,its ur temple,-Relax in the day,

so dat u can sleep at nite,-Books r holy,so dont touch dem,-
Dont do sumthing 2morow,dat u can do day after 2morrow,-
If u feel like studying,sit down
wait till dat feeling goes away,-
Dont 4get that studying is a healthy actvity,So leave it 4sick people.
God plz grant me the calmness

to accept the thngs I cant change,

the courage to change thngs I can

and wisdom to knw the difrnce b/w these two.
When u feel God is rubbing u against the rocks,

don''t think that u''ll ruin down to dust,

it''s just that he is polishing a gem, coz u are precious!
School ki friendship 10th class tak,

Collage ki friendship final year tak,

Love ki friendship shaadi tak,
Humari friendship 30th February tak
Qk na 30th Feb aayegi aur na hi humari dosti tootegi.
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