We Need At least 2

We Need At least 2
We Need At least 2 Things To Live In Life

" 1 Heart 2

Feel the Love


1 Brain 2

Understand It ...

Otherwise We''ll Have

Broken Hearts


Confused Minds " =)

Jun, 19 2010     183 chars (2 sms)     2032 views       Decent

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The Most Painful

Moment Of Life Comes,

When The Care

Is Mistaken

As Disturbance!":-)
If U Depressed Confused Or Hurt
Dont Worry..

Go In front Of Mirror ,

U Vl Find D Best Person

Who Vl Solve All Ur Problems..!!
Cell Phones Can B Irritating Sometimes.
U Always Hve To Reload, Recharge Evry Nw
& Thn
Msgz r Delayd. Ntwrk Jam
Dere''s 1 Thing I Luv Abt It
It Connects Me To U (:
NeEdInG sOmEoNe Is
LiKe NeEdInG a
PaRaChUtE ...
If He IsN''t ThErE tHe
FiRsT tImE yOu NeEd
HiM, ChaNcEs ArE yOu
WoN''t Be NeEdInG hIm
AgAiN ... (= ;->
Well wisher is not who greets you daily &
Talks to you daily.
Well wisher is one who may or may not meet you
But always think of you &
Prays to God for your happiness !!
HaRdEsT MoMeNt Is NoT ThAt
WhEn u |osE SutHiNg
TeArs CoMe OuT OuT Ov Ur EyEzZz....


It''S tHe OnE, WhEn U LoSe SuMtHiNg
StI|| MaNaGe To CrY.....
A Relationship
Should Have
The Determination
Like A Mirror
Which Never Loses
Its Ability To Reflect
If It Is Broken In To
Thousand Pieces
d eye does not see what d brain does not know
so open ur brain before opening ur eyes.......
I haven't forgotten where I come from, or who I am,
I've just had to make some minor adjustments to get to where I need to be,

look in my eyes I'm still me
zarorat tor dati he goror-o-be nayazi ko, na hoti koi majbori tu har banda khuda hota,
Frequency of my msgs may b less.

but the time i remember U is more.

Thats Y science says tht

frequency is inversely proportional to time.
"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you too can become great."