Cell Phones Can B Irritating Sometimes.
U Always Hve To Reload, Recharge Evry Nw
& Thn
Msgz r Delayd. Ntwrk Jam
Dere''s 1 Thing I Luv Abt It
It Connects Me To U (:
Well wisher is not who greets you daily &
Talks to you daily.
Well wisher is one who may or may not meet you
But always think of you &
Prays to God for your happiness !!
A Relationship
Should Have
The Determination
Like A Mirror
Which Never Loses
Its Ability To Reflect
If It Is Broken In To
Thousand Pieces
"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you too can become great."