U neVer gEt a pErsOn

U neVer gEt a pErsOn
U neVer gEt a pErsOn oF uR tYpe In this WoRld..

You will either have to Adjust
u will have to ComprOmiSe..!

U Adjust when Someone wanTs t0 be with u..

U compRomIse when u waNt t0 be with s0Meone... ;->

Jun, 18 2010     219 chars (2 sms)     1798 views       Decent

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True Fact:

Orat Jab Udass Hoti Hai To Us K
Aanso Nikaltay Hain,

Or Mard K Anso

Kushi K Moqa Per Nikaltay Hain. . .
The Most Difficult Lesson
To Larn In Life Is.....

Which Hand U Hold For
Ur Life Time.....


Which One To Break Off....
Fact of Life :
Impossible does not mean that it is not possible.It actually means that nobody has done it so far.We are born to break the limits.
A candle may melt
and its fire may die,
but the love you have given me
will always stay as a flame in my heart.
KeEpInG a SmIlE oN yOuR fAcE,

wHeN iNsIdE yOu FeEl LiKe dYiNg,

FoR tHe SaKe Of SuPpOrTiNg OtHeRs,

MeAnS ...

... S.T.R.E.N.G.H.T ...
Always Draw A Circle Around The Ones You Love . . . Never Draw A Heart
Hearts Can Be Broken. . .
Circles Are Never Ending. . . .
Hitler said: "There is no word like IMPOSSIBLE in my dictionary"
Pathan said: Ab bolne ka kya fayida Hitler bhai?
Jab Dictionary khareedi thi tab hi check karni thi na?
If Tomorow We Mis Each Other

U Will Get Thousands Frends

Like Me

But I Would Not Get U,

Bcoz In Sky Stars R So


But MOON Is Only One
Luvles lyf iz like a fruitles tree
frndles lyf iz like a rootles tree
Tree can live widout fruit but not widout roots
rozana ki bhag daur mey hum sub yehi intzar ker rahey hain k hamari zindagi ka ek din essa aaega jab hamari tamam khuwaishain poori hojaengi,
haan din to aaega, zaroor aaega, magar khatam khuwaishain nahi balkey zindagi hojaegi.
cute relationship is when someone is angry with you
and says..
" i'll never talk to u"

and later

comes back to you just to inform ..
"i'm still angry"
Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That''s relativity. --Albert Einstein