The cool Mind And Warm Heart remove worries of life

The cool Mind And Warm Heart remove worries of life
'"Cold Water" and "Hot Iron" removes the Wrinkles From Clothes.

Same way,

The cool Mind & Warm Heart remove worries of life...'

Jun, 10 2012     132 chars (1 sms)     2120 views       Decent

more Decent SMS Messages

If death meant just leaving the stage long enough to change costume and come back as a new character...Would you slow down? Or speed up?”
When you are alone
Don''t think of those
Who are not with you
But think of those
Who always wants to be with you-:)
"Golden Tip''s"

Paon Beshak Phisal Jaye,Lekin Zaban Ko Na Phisalne 2.

Aj Amal Hy,Hisab Nai,Lekin Kal Hisab Hoga,Amal Nai.

Jhoot Bol K Jet Jane Se,Such Bol K Har Jana Behter Hy.

Khubsurti Kapron Se Nahi,Ilm-O-Adab Se Hoti Hai.

Ibratein Beshumar Hain,Magar In Ka Asar Lene Wale Buhat Kam Hain.
Relationships Are Precious

Don''t Take Them For Granted

Its Sad But True
That The Worst Pain In Life Is When

Someone "U KNOW"
Turns Into Someone "U KNEW" ...
Smile Whn In Leisure

Smile Whn In Pain

Smile Whn Troubles Pour Like Rain

Smile Whn Someone Hurts Ur Feelings


u Knw Smiling Alwayz
Start The Healing . . . :)
''Cutest Story Ever''

Kid- Mom I love u more thn u love me

Mom: how can u prove dix my son?

Kid: Coz u''ve 2 sons n i''ve only one mother =]

TRUST is a very important factor for all relationships.
When trust is broken, it is the end of the relationship.
Lack of trust leads to suspicion,
suspicion generates anger,
anger causes enmity and enmity may result in separation.
My Silence Doesn''t Mean
"I Forget U"

My Disappearance Doesn''t Mean
"I Don''t Care About U"

Our Distance Doesn''t Mean
"V r Far"


U''re Always In
" Health Tips "

1. Answer The Phone By Lert Ear.

2. Do Not Drink Tea 3 Times In Day.

3. Do Not Take Pills With Cool Water.

( New Chain Of Health Messages )
May GOD Bless You
Keep You Always

May Your Wishes
All Come True

May You Always
Do For Others

And Let Other Do
For You

May You Build A
Ladder To The Stars

And Climb On
Every Rung

And May You Stay
Forever Young ... :)
Ek Mahan Philosofer Ne Kya Khub Kaha Hai


"Zindgi Tu Hi Bata
Kaise Tuje Pyar Karu??

Teri Har Ek 'Subah' Meri Umar Kam Kar Deti Hai.
"Time is lyk a river! U cann''t touch the same water twice bcoz the flow that hz passed vil nevr pass again. "njoy evry *Moment of life cuz it wil never cum back..,