Fashion is simplicity

Fashion is simplicity
Fashion is simplicity 4 us.
Class is meeting hall 4 us.
Teachers are inspectors 4 us.
Girls r dolls.
Guys r prince.
Cafe means life 2 us.
Study is our part time hobby.
Campus roads r catwalk tracks.
We know how to laugh after short attendance & poor grades.


Keep Rocking Buddies!

Jun, 19 2010     312 chars (2 sms)     5141 views       Decent

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I Feel That Tears R The Best.
They Come To Accompany U When U R Really Happy&
They R There When U R Really Sad&
U Have No One Wid U
But They R Alwayz Wid Us
There wil cme a day in ur life,
dat u wil think u r alone,
u wil b hurt by ur admires,

u wil cry 4 me,

i shall nt hear u,
i shall b beyound the galaxies, out of ur reach,

i pray to GOD that such a day,should never cme in ur life,but im worried about my prayers,

bcoz most of my prayarsr un answerd
I always knew that looking back on my tears would someday make me laugh but i never knew that looking back on my laughter would someday make me cry...
"I Cried Bcoz I Had No Shoes,


I Saw A Man With No Feet!"

Life Is Full Of Blessings

Sometimes We''re

Jst Too Blind To See Them
Each moment of ur life is a picture which u had never seen before. And which ull never see again so enjoy & live life & make each moment beautiful....
When you pray for others,
ALLAH listens to you and blesses them...

When you are happy & feel blessed,

Remember someone has prayed for you too... ;->
y do we close our eyes wen we dream ?
dts bcoz d most butiful things n lyf r un seen..
so ask me ..
y cnt i see u ryt nw ? ? ...
Often when we lose all hope and
think this is the end, God smiles
from above and says: Relax dear,
it''s just a bend! not the end.

Gud Day!
What a Nice Feeling to be in love with ALLAH! No Pain,
No Tension,
No Disappointment. Just Blessings & Joy!
Do it with all Ur Heart.

May ALLAH Bless You!
If we both exchange a rupee, we both have 1 rupee each, but if we exchange one good thought, we both hav two good thoughts.

Have a nice day!
a strong bonding doesn''t always need conversations, Doesn''t always need togertheness, as long as emotions live in heart, true love never depart
U Gotta Take The Gud Wid The Bad

Smie Wid The Sad

Love What U Got

& Remember What U Had

Learn 2 Forgive

But Never FOrget

Learn From Ur Mistakes

But Never Regret

Ppl Change Things Go Wrong

Just Remember "Life Goes On" . . .