LOOK...the moon

LOOK...the moon
LOOK...the moon is calling you, SEE...the stars are shining for you, HEAR... my heart saying good night to u

Oct, 10 2011     109 chars (1 sms)     2591 views       Good Night

more Good Night SMS Messages

Hi Had Ur Dinner?
Den Go 2 Bed Fast
Because Something Is Waiting 4 U
Do U Know What Is That..?
Sweet Dreamz

Gud Nite!
We All Have 0ur Time
Some Take Us Back,
They`re Called
Some Take Us Forward,
They`re Called
"DREAMS" ... :)

g ()_0 d
/\/ ! t 3 ...
ThinGs 2 TaKe NoTe WheN u SleeP: 1st-MiSS Me, 2nd-ThInk oF ME,
3rd-HuG Me, 4th-LoVE mE. TrY 2 SLEEp NoW & ClOSe Ur EyeS.
Get PrePaReD 2 DrEaM oF mE! Good Night Janu
Your future dependz upon ur dreams so go to sleep and let me too...
Close your eyes,
Concentrate your mind &
Pray to God about the things
That you want most.
GOD must fulfill your prayer...
Have a nice sleep...
~ Moon
has come to color
your dreams

~ Stars
to make them musical


~ My Sms
to wish you warm &
peaceful sleep

Good Night
Sweet Dreams <-:
" 12 " .
9 !/ 3
" . 6 . "

. " 12 " .
9 !_ 3
" . 6 . "

. " 12 " .
9 _! 3
" . 6 . "
still awake?
i count to 3 u shall fall a sleep
Master of puppets is pulling your strings, twisting ur mind n SmasHing ur dreams. blinded by me, u can''t see a thing when i count to 3 u shall fall a sleep 1,2,3,Zzz
Take chances, take a lot of them. Because honestly, no matter where you end up and with whom, it always ends up just the way it should be. Your mistakes make who you are. You learn to grow with each choice you make. Everything is worth it. Say how you feel always. Be you, and be okay with it…

Güd nyt
On this cold cold nite,in My small small ROOm,i Look At
The Brite Brite StArS iN tHe DaRk DaRk sKy & DrEaM of YouR
sWeet sWeet SmiLe on ur CuTe CuTe FaCe! GdNiTe!
Dreams Give Rise To Hope.

Hope Inspires Efforts.

Efforts Result In Success.

So Dreams Are The Roots Of Success!!!

Good Night...
Tiny starz shining bright,
Its time 4 me 2 say goodnite,
So close ur eyes & snuggle up tight,
I"m wishing u sweet dreams 2nite!