Hi Had Ur Dinner?

Hi Had Ur Dinner?
Hi Had Ur Dinner?
Den Go 2 Bed Fast
Because Something Is Waiting 4 U
Do U Know What Is That..?
Sweet Dreamz

Gud Nite!

Jun, 07 2010     137 chars (1 sms)     4719 views       Good Night

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There maybe those on earth who dress better or eat better,

but those who dream of me sleep better and wake up happier!

Good night!
The Day has ended

Busy Hours Are Over

Its Tym To sleep

Ur Dreams R Waiting

The Nigght Waits In Silence

Go Ahead And Sleep Welll … =)
S-say Thanks To The G0d
L-lying 0n The Bed
E-cl0se Your Eyes
E-end 0f The Day
P-plan F0r The Next Day....

Good Night
The stars look down upon you at night, and envy u, coz even
while i"m looking at them i"m thinking of u, my angel.
sleep for the moonlight be ur shade.
LOOK...the moon is calling you, SEE...the stars are shining for you, HEAR... my heart saying good night to u
Wash your face and wash your feet! Now itz time 2 fall asleep. Yours eyes are weak N mouth can''t speak so hope tis nite shall b nice and sweet. Good Nite.
As the day turns into night,
keep your worries out of sight!
No matter how tough the world may seem,
u still deserve the sweetest dream
~ Moon
has come to color
your dreams

~ Stars
to make them musical


~ My Sms
to wish you warm &
peaceful sleep

Good Night
Sweet Dreams <-:
Hayo Rabba!
Tussi so gaye?
Inni jaldi?
Ik mint ruko mainu Gud Night bolan deo jee!!
Gud night hai jee!!
O tussi chaho to sweet dreams bhi dekh lena. Gud Night
Have you ever experienced a time in your life

when you felt so empty for no reason?

Have you ever felt so down but you just can''t tell why?

Have you ever felt like the world suddenly spins around you,

and you are caught in the middle going nowhere?

Weird, isn''t it?

But that''s the beauty of being human…

it is knowing that there is a purpose for each existence,

and whatever that may be,

it is also the reason why we still wake up breathing each morning,

to discover that missing piece of puzzle that would make our lives complete.

Have a nice sleep!
has come to colour
your dreams,
to make them
musical and my
to give you warm
and Peaceful Sleep.
Gud Nite...Sweet
Am Sending

A Pilow Of Hapy

Thoughts 2 Create

Wonderful Dreams,

A Blanket Of Care

2 Keep U Blessed

In Life N A Prayer

2 Protect U Always

Gud nIghT