kill SMS Messages101 messages

Who Is A Doctor???

He Is That Person

Who Cures The






The Person With His ''Bills...
A Gun Can kill Sum1

Fire an Burn Sum1

Wind Can Chill

Anger Can Rage Till
It Tears You Apart


Power Of Ur Smile Can Heal
A Frozen Heart ..

KeEp iNg
Whts The Difference
Between Doctors & Lawyers ??

The Only Difference
B/w Them

Lawyer Only Robs U
Where As
Doctor Robs U n kill U
As Well ... ;->

If You Love
Someone / Something

Let It Go ...

If It Doesn''t Return ...

Hunt It Down
kill It ...
Sum1 kills AMIR''S GF

& He Loses His Memory.

Thn He Tries To Findout D killer.

Suspense:AMIR Himself Is D killer.

Now Enjoy Watchng GHAJINI :-P
Attention Plz

Dere''s a dangerous
virus being passed
around electronicaly,
oraly & by hand.
Diz virus is called

" Weary-Overload-
(WORK) "

If U receive WORK frm
any of Ur Teachers,
Colleagues, Boss Or
Any1 Else via any
Diz virus will wipe out
Ur pvt life cmpletely ;->
A Man Was Injected
With A Deadly Poison,
It Did Not kill Him.
Why ... ??


Think Harder


He Was Already
Dead.. ;->
Easy way to kill an ant.

Mix chili powder with sugar & give it to ant.
After having that the ant will go in search
of water somewhere near a water tank.
When the ant reaches the tank,
push it into the tank,
now the ant fully soaked in water,
it wil go to dry himself near fire.
When it reaches near fire,
put a bomb in fire,
it will be injured in the blast.
Then admit the wounded ant in ICU.

Remove oxygen mask & kill it.;-)
Remember !

Divorce is never a
Try to stay away for
few years

If differences dtill



(Peer Asif Zardari) ;->
In Ghajini
If Amir Khan Was killed Instead Of Kalpana,
The Movie Will Get A Gross
Collection Of 500 Crores..

How ? ? ?

Then Da Grl Hv To Write 0n Her Body Everythng...;->:-D

If You Love
Someone / Something

Let It Go ...

If It Doesn''t Return ...

Hunt It Down
kill It ...

Sum1 kills AMIR''S GF

& He Loses His Memory.

Thn He Tries To Findout D killer.

Suspense:AMIR Himself Is D killer.

Now Enjoy Watchng GHAJINI :-P