kill SMS Messages101 messages


kill me & call it
"A Mistake"

Imprison me & call it
"Security Measure"

Exile my people n masses & call it

Declare my leaders as the enemy of our country & call it
"Quilty of Treason"

Rob my rights, invade my land, declare me as

"Terrorist" & call it

But listen, still i am PAKISTANI and will remain PAKISTANI 4ever
One day a monkey looked into mirror & said,
"Oh my ugly face, fat nose" and killed himself.
Promise me u will not look into mirror,
coz I dont wanna loose you!
I Want


kill U

But I Can''t,Bcoz,


"According 2this Rule,

killing Or Hunting Of Monkeys

R Strictly Prohibited.''
Loving, knowing that you are going to get hurt is like living knowing that you are going to die. But not loving so you don''t get hurt is like killing yourself before you die.
With every cut i make another feet i dig down deep,
bury me there with all the tears i weep.
fill it with my sorrows & all the blood i''ve shed..
Go on hurt me,kill me..let death be my eternal bed !!
"A heart die''s when it is unable to share it''s feelings"
"A heart kills itself when another heart doesn''t understand its feelings!"
(so simple yet it explains everything.........)
I took All The Pain killers
Coz I Wanted To Wash Away My Pain
But One Thought Of U
And It Hurts All Over Again. . .
I took All The Pain killers
Coz I Wanted To Wash Away My Pain
But One Thought Of U
And It Hurts All Over Again. . .
Love can be

An Enemy or A Friend

It can be

A Poison or Remedy

It can

kill or Give Life To Others

Use It Wisely ... =]
To kill An Enemy
You Required A Sword Or A Gun


To kill A Loved One
Just Being Silent Is Enough

Remember !!
Never Try To Do That... (:
A guy was tired of his girlfriends frequent msgs,
which always contained I love u I miss u

Have u taken ur meal? ETC
1 night while lying on the bed the guy recived a msg frm his gf
he didnt bother to read nd went to sleep
Next morning he received a call frm her fone that his girlfriend was killed last night..
He rushed nd read the text which said:
Honey plzz help, sum1 z following me
In politics, your enemies can"t hurt you,
but your friends will kill you.