kill SMS Messages101 messages

An aeroplane carrying 40 people crashed over d Atlantic ocean,
wd every single person being killed
Yet 2 passengers survived
How is this possible?

If U Know The Answer Than SMS me On Ma #
I am 5 letter word,
If all the 5 letters are available I am a talent in you,
If you remove my first letter I will die,
if you remove my first 2 letters I will be sick.
Who am I

The answer is: Skill
Write the names of person that comes 1st in ur mind for each question

Best frnd?
First crush?

Plz rply truly now?
Read this n giv an ans
A woman,while at d funeral of her mother meets a guy whm she did not know.She thot this guy was simply '' amazing'',vry much of her dream guy, she believed him to b just tht!She fel in lov wth him but nver asked for his number&could not find him.

.......A few days later she kiled her FIRST sister.
Q:Wht z her motive in killng her sis?Reply must must must.ok coz after ur reply i wil tel u sumthng strange.
She was hoping that the guy would appear at her sister''s funeral again.

If u had answered this correctly , you think like a psychopath . This was a test by a famous American Psychologist used to test if one has the same mentality as a killer. Many arrested serial killers took part in the test and answered the question correctly. If you didn''t answer the question correctly, good for you.
If u had answered correctly, good knowing you!
Giving Your Son A
Is Better Than Giving
One Thousand Pieces
Of Gold ...

~ Chinese Saying ~
An aeroplane carrying 40 people crashed over d Atlantic ocean,
wd every single person being killed
Yet 2 passengers survived
How is this possible?
its challenge
Santa: My Father Dug The Suez Canal

Banta: That''s Nothing, Have You Heard Of Dead Sea?

Santa: Yes, I Have.

Banta: My Dad killed It.
I''m gonna smile
Make U think
I''m happy
I''m gonna laugh,
So U don''t see me cry
I''m gonna let U go in style
Even if it kills me
I''m gonna smile ..
I''m gonna smile
Make U think
I''m happy
I''m gonna laugh,
So U don''t see me cry
I''m gonna let U go in style
Even if it kills me
I''m gonna smile ..
Good Thoughts kill The Stress Before Stress kills U

Reach The Goal Before Goal Kicks U

Help Everyone Before Someone Helps U

Liv Life Before Life Leaves You ...!!!
// G o o d tHoUgHtS //

kill tHe stReSs b4 stReSs kills u.

ReAcH tHe GoaL b4 GoaL kIckS u.

HeLp eVeRyoNe b4 s0mEoNe hElPs U.

LivE LiFe b4
LiFe LeAvEs You!