One Lady Delivered Twins, Surprisingly One Is Boy & Other Is Dog
How Is It Possible
Her Hubby Is A Vodafone User
Wherever He Goes His Network Follows =P ;)
Aik Orat Kisi Molvi Nu Time de k na aai,molvi intizar krda rya,intzar krn to baad Masjid wich gia tay speaker nu on kr k kainda."Hazraat.! Changi nai keti"
U r BEST Heart Surgeon In the World , Beacause You Made a Place In My Heart Without CUTING and SPILLING blood . I am Lucky 2 have a Cute Friend Like You
Two sardars are driving in a car,one sardar puts on the indicator and asks the other to check if it is working.He puts his head out and says……………!!!!