long SMS Messages383 messages

Late Bed Wakings,

Slight Breakfasts,

Bus stand figures,

Foot Board Travels,

Late Attendance,

long intervals,

Sharing Canteen Foods,

Many Proposals,

Mobiles in Silent mode,

Late night Chats,

Some misunderstandings,

Correcting Friends,

For exams micro slips,

Struggle for marks,

Prestige in arrears,

Mass Bunk,

Saturday Date,

Enjoying Arguments,

Freshers with fear.

Farewell with tears.

''''University life is nothing but heaven'''' :)
Height of walking..

My granma when she was 65 used to go
for long wlaks,

now she is 85 and 10 years back she
went for walk and has not returened yet
A long married couple came upon a wishing well. The husband leaned over, made a wish and threw in a penny.

The wife decided to make a wish too. But she leaned over too much, fell into the well, and drowned.

The husband was stunned for a moment but then smiled,

"It really works!"
long ago, a person who sacrificed his sleep, his family, his food, his laughter.. was called a SAINT!


now he is called a
Ever wonder why

the sun LIGHTENS our hair, but DARKENS our skin?

Why is it that to STOP Windows 98, you have to click START?

Why is ''ABBREVIATED'' such a long word? Why is it that doctors call what they do PRACTICE?

Why is the man who invests all your money called BROKER?
A Man Can Be Happy With Any Woman

As long As

He Does Not LOVE Her . . . ;->

[Oscar Wilde]
why is fire engine red in colour????

ans: bcoz fire engine has ladder,ladder has steps,
steps r foot long n measured by ruler,
ruler can be king or queen, elizabeth was a queen..
elizabeth is also name of ship,ship floats on sea,
fiahes live in sea,fishes have fins,fins r people from finland,
national flag of finland is red ,
so fire engine is red in colour
Teacher: What do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?
Manu: A teacher
long back,a person who sacrificed his sleep,forgot his family,forgot his food,fogot laughter were called
But now they are called.. "IT professionals"
I Dont Want 2 Live Anoder Day If U''re No longer Der,
4 In Dis Lyf Only U Can
Inspyr Me 2 C D Nxt Sunryz,
Only U Can Motiv8 Me 2 Apprec8 D Colors Of Lyf Dat No One Else Can.

I Want U 2 Know Dat Our Frndship Means Alot 2 Me.
U Cry I Cry
U Laugh I L augh.
U Jump Out Of Da Window.
I Look Down & Den
I Laugh Again
LifE iS aLL Abt WakinG uP EaCh dAy tO diSCoVer SoMethinG NeW, Abt MeetinG oLd PeoPLe bUt MakinG NeW CoNverSatioNs, WaLkinG thru oLd RoadS bUt StiLL feeLinG NicE Abt it,
ReaLizinG thAt u hAvE GrowN a dAy oLdeR bUt StiLL feeLinG young at hEArt, MeetinG busy ScheduLeS bUt StiLL fiNdinG timE 4 oLd fRieNds, bEinG NoStaLGic Abt by GoNe dAys bUt
LookinG foRWaRd tO bEttEr dAys,
WaNtinG 2 Shoot da person Who SeNt SuCh a long MsG bUt StiLL MaNaGe 2 SmiLe.
Message Of The Year:

Women Live A Better,
longer & Peaceful Life.. !!


Very Simple.....

A Woman Does Not Have A Wife !!!!