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What I Enjoy Is Your Company, Being Near You, Being Togather.

What I Need Is Time With You, show Me You Care, Let Me Care For You, Let Me Know I''m Important To you.

I''ll Be Sure You Know How Important You Are To me, All I Need Is You , You To Love me , As I Love U
i think ther is a lot i want to show you....

a lot of words i want you to tell me as well...

i want to see your face both laughing and tears.....

i have been thinking of you, and i feel that just that will make my heart stronger..

no mater the time i will be wishing on these fleeting feelings, like i am reaching out to you..
She said she usually cried at least once each day not because she was sad

but because the world was so beautiful and life was so short

Tears are summer showers to the SOUL
''CRY'' Is A Love Detecter.

When Sum1 Makes You Cry It shows

That How Much You Love Them

And If Someone Crys

For You It shows Their Love For You
''CRY'' Is A Love Detecter.

When Sum1 Makes You Cry It shows

That How Much You Love Them

And If Someone Crys

For You It shows Their Love For You
YoU cAn show Me ThE wAy
GiVe Me A sUnNy DaY
WhAt DoEs It MeAnS wItHoUt YoUr LoVe
If I cAn TrAvEl FaR
If I cAn ToUcH tHe StArS
WhErE wOuLd I hAvE bEeN wItHoUt YoUr LoVe
If I cAn FlY aWaY
If I cAn SaIl ToDaY
WhErE wOuLd I hAvE gOnE wItHoUt yOuR lOvE..
Love Is Magic

The More We Hide It

The More It shows

The More You Suppress

The More It Grows ... :)
Even a Lie is Gud if its Spoken out of Luv..

Truth is Bad if its Spoken just 2 Hurt..

Its alwaz Better 2 show Luv dan 2 Hurt

So Keep Lying

N Keep Loving..
They don''t LUV dat
don''t show their LUV
d course of TRUE LUV
ever did run smooth
LUV is a familiar
LUV is a devil
Dere''s no DEVIL ANGEL
bt LUV ... =]

L o v e
Is Lot Like
A Backache ...
It Doesn''t shown Up On
X-rays ...
You Know
Its There ... :)
If u love me..
show me its depth..
If u hate me..
show me its height..
If u cry for me..
Sink me in the depth of ur eyes..
If u live for me..
Take me in ur arms..forever
..If u Can..
In the morning when I wake up
And I open up my eyes,
I feel an aching in my heart
That''s when I realize.
How much I really miss you
And long to have you near.
My heart is filled with sadness,
And my eyes are filled with tears.
At different times throughout the day,
I find I''m missing you.
And I wonder if, perhaps a bit,
Maybe you miss me too.
I miss you in the shower,
When I''m in there all alone.
And when I want to hear your voice,
And call you on the phone.
When I check my e-mail
And find there''s nothing there.
I can''t help it that I worry,
And I put you in my prayers.
I think by now it''s safe to say,
That I miss you very much,
And my heart will never be the same
Since it suffered Cupids touch