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A Kiss is a :

Noun:It is common & proper.

Pronoun:"She" stands for it.

Verb:It is active & passive:

Adverb:Makes an explanation.

Conjunction:It brings together & connects.

Intergetion:It shows a sudden strong feeling.

Proposition:It has an object.
wat is life??
life is love
wat is love ??
love is kissin
wat is kissin ??
come 2 me i ll show u jaan
i"ve written you on the page of my heart,
reflected your face on the mirrors of my soul,
displayed you in the gallaries of my eyes
,this show how much i you are loved!
That Smile that comes on your face so sudden,
So sweet that I can almost taste;
Those Eyes that I see you batting away,
Makes me forget my haste.
That Hair that you run your fingers through,
So deep and dark like a Raven;
With all that in mind, how can I forget you,
When ‘tis you where I find my heaven.
The way you Laugh at a single joke,
It sounds like the Tinkle of a bell;The cent of you after a shower,
for which I thank God that in love with YOU I fell

i couldnt imagine wat would have been lyk if u had not been by my side 2 support in gud n difficult tymz.. showered ur unconditional luv n affectiion

widout which i couldnt have been wat i am 2day, a better perrson whoz hand u held 2 guide n i tread d ryt path alyz

i am glad i found u.. !!
Love isn''t love
Until you give it away
Don''t save it for good times
Or for a rainy day

show forth love
Each moment you live
Love is not something you keep
But something you give

Somebody needs a hug right now
So don''t put off or delay
Tell them that you love them
Because tomorrow might be too late
I hope you don''t know,
I hope you don''t see,

All of the feelings
Bursting inside of me.

I wish I could tell you
I wish I could let you know

All of these feelings
I would like to show.

I lay in bed
Hope and pray

You will wake up
And realize some day.

Maybe one day you will know
Maybe you will see

Although I meant nothing to you,
You meant everything to me.
There''s a love that only u can give,
A smile that only your lips can show,
A twinkle that can only be seen in your eyes,
& a life of mine that u alone can complete
Always remember I love you
More than words
Could ever show,
And I think of you always-
Much more than
You could know
And now until forever,
Always remember this too,
There''s no one
I could ever love
More than
My biggest reward is to see you smile, know you are happy, and feel you are loved. I know life is sometimes cruel, but that''s why I''m here, to show you that life can be good when somebody cares.
Always Remember


More Than Words

Could Ever show

And I Think Of U Always

Much More Than

You Could Know

And Now Until Forever

Always Remember This Too

There’s No One

I Could Ever Love

More Than

I LOVE YOU . . .
What I Enjoy Is Your Company, Being Near You, Being Togather.

What I Need Is Time With You, show Me You Care, Let Me Care For You, Let Me Know I''m Important To you.

I''ll Be Sure You Know How Important You Are To me, All I Need Is You , You To Love me , As I Love U