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When u face problems in life, don"t ask GOD to take them away.
Ask Him to show His purpose- Ask ways how to live a day
searching his purpose for you. GOD BLESS And
We dont want American Rental Power we want Electricity.

IN PAKISTAN electricity now rs. 7 per unit nd it wil b increasing after every 2 months regarding to AMERICAN IMF Polices.
IRAN is agree to give da electricity on urgent base to PAKISTAN on very cheap rates (1.18 per unit)
also CHINA ofers PAKISTAN for Flectricity just 300 rupes monthly bill& unlimited usage of electricity but our govt. is not taking seriously.

Now this is our time to show da govt. our strength.
Spread dis msg as much as u can bcoz of this msg many people know about da truth of govt.
expensive polices..
Our govt. is corrupt.
Pray to Allah Almighty,
And show some faith n dignity,
Quran be at your side,
Islam giving you a pride,
Sunnah be a light for you,
That will glow and let you do,
All the acts to make you feel,
Nothing but this land is real.
It is time for you to show your independence. let yourself be heard
so dont follow others footsteps. be youself fly free i mean you are
independant after all.
The Future Lies Before You. . . .
Like Paths Of Pure White Snow. . .
Be Careful How You Treat It. . .
For Every Step. . . .
Coz It Will Be shown . . .
Life Is Not A Rehearsal
Each Day Is A New show
No Repeat, No Rewind.
So Give Ur Best Shot In All Ur Acts
As Theshow Goes On And On
life is not a reharsal
each day is a new show
no repeat
no rewind
give ur best shot in all acts.

cuz even if u dont..the show will go on
Shoes we wear are sold in a.c showrooms..
vegitabl;es that we eat are sold on footpaths...

pizza reaches faster than an ambulance,
life is always strange!!
ThaNks 2 tHosE wHo hAtEd mE,
tHey maDe mE a sTrOngeR pErson

tHX 2 tHos wHo luVd mE,
tHey maDe My hEart BigGer

tHx 2 tHos whO wOrrIed aBt mE,
tHey leT mE kNw DaT tHey aCtuaLlY CarEd

tHx 2 ThOs wHo lEft mE,
tHey showed mE noT evRythnG laSts

tHx 2 thOs wHo eNtereD mY liFe,
Don''t show Off
With Artificial Things
The Real Confidence Is
In Your Simplicity
Which shows Your
Character ...
Easy vs Difficult

Easy is to judge the mistakes of others,
Difficult is to recognize our own mistakes

Easy is to hurt someone who loves you,
Difficult is to heal the wound

Easy is to set rules,
Difficult is to follow them

Easy is to dream every night,
Difficult is to fight for a dream

Easy is to say we love,
Difficult is to show it every day

Easy is to make mistakes,
Difficult is to learn from them...
Whats live ? Live is love.
Whats love ? Love is kissing.
Whats kissing ? Come here and I show you.