Whats live

Whats live
Whats live ? Live is love.
Whats love ? Love is kissing.
Whats kissing ? Come here and I show you.

Jun, 14 2010     101 chars (1 sms)     3484 views       Kiss

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NOrth to north,
south to south
my best direction is mouth to mouth..
If luvin'' was aginst the law,
and kissin'' was a crime,
i would gladly spend my life with u,
in prison doin'' time.
I"ve been thinking about u and me..
if we were alone how it would be..
I would kiss u all over till ur feeling hot..
then give u a sensation when I hit the spot!
Got a gift 4 u! No cost! No batteries required! Tax free, performs silently, extremely personal! Fully returnable! Its a hug from ME 2 U!!
come on my love and make me feel your self
just come on babe u have burnt a flame of love
in my heart i am still burning in that,
if some one can quench my thrust in the desert of sorrows
it''s only you whenever i feel about you there comes tears
in my eyes and heart sighs u wouldn''t live without me,
come on my love ,just come on in my life for once..
love is heat
which is very sweet
love is incomplete
till 2 lips meet
KISS oR pass
WELLAA gUYS n THis thIng
U have To TELL
DO u wana Kiss THE abOVE persoN
or Just kICK hIS Butt..!!!
WELL nOW starT enJoyIng.....;->
If u read,u owe me a HUG,
if u delete,u Owe me a kiss,
if u save,u owe me a DATE,
if u return txt msg 2 me,
u OWE me All,
bt if u ignore,
U r MINe!
So wat will U do?
,¤, ¤,,
(''v'') <'' )
(( )) (( ))

"1 kaAm karun?"

¤ , ¤,
( ''<<'' )
(( )) (( ))

"h0nt paR"

"I kiSs You"
A Kiss is a :

Noun:It is common & proper.

Pronoun:"She" stands for it.

Verb:It is active & passive:

Adverb:Makes an explanation.

Conjunction:It brings together & connects.

Intergetion:It shows a sudden strong feeling.

Proposition:It has an object.
The Moment Eternal . . . Just That And No More . . .
When Ecstasy''s Utmost We Clutch At The Core
Cheeks Burn, Arm Open, Eyes Shut
Lips Meet