Give me a kiss

Give me a kiss
"Give me a kiss, and to that kiss a score;
Then to that twenty, add a hundred more:
A thousand to that hundred: so kiss on,
To make that thousand up a million.
Treble that million, and when that is done,
Let"s kiss afresh, as when we first begun."

Jun, 14 2010     253 chars (2 sms)     3053 views       Kiss

more Kiss SMS Messages

Whats live ? Live is love.
Whats love ? Love is kissing.
Whats kissing ? Come here and I show you.
no stars 2 wish,
no moon 2 lite
n no flowers to smell,
just a loneliness
1 waiting 4 ur hot kisses is saying gud nite??
kiss is the key of love,love is the lock of marriage, marriage is the box of children, children is the problem of pakistan, so plz stop kissing and save pakistan.
A Kiss is a :

Noun:It is common & proper.

Pronoun:"She" stands for it.

Verb:It is active & passive:

Adverb:Makes an explanation.

Conjunction:It brings together & connects.

Intergetion:It shows a sudden strong feeling.

Proposition:It has an object.
If luvin'' was aginst the law,
and kissin'' was a crime,
i would gladly spend my life with u,
in prison doin'' time.
,¤, ¤,,
(''v'') <'' )
(( )) (( ))

"1 kaAm karun?"

¤ , ¤,
( ''<<'' )
(( )) (( ))

"h0nt paR"

"I kiSs You"
Kiss is not like Nokia...Connecting People
Kiss is not like Nike..Just Do It.
Kiss is not like Pepsi..Yeh Dil Maange More
But Kiss is like Pan Parag..Ek Se Mera Kya Hoga
A kiss is special thing that you can cant take without giving,
and you cant give without taking.
One day a girl asked Molvi,"Can i Kiss a Boy"
Molvi Replay,"Naozbillah"
Girl,"Can i Kiss a Man"
Molve Replay,"Astagfirullah"
Girl,"Can i Kiss you"
Molvi,"Jee Bismillah"
whn u kiss a british girl she says "kiss me softly"
whn u kiss a american girl shw says "kiss me hardly" and
whn u kiss a paki girl she says "oai!! kisi nu dussi na"
Got a gift 4 u! No cost! No batteries required! Tax free, performs silently, extremely personal! Fully returnable! Its a hug from ME 2 U!!
I grab you from your waist pull you closer to my body look in to ur eyes touch your face gently with my finger tips then take your face in my both hands then i slowly lean in and kiss you my dear.