I pressed my lipsk

I pressed my lipsk
I pressed my lips to yours, my love,

To taste your kiss so sweet

You held me for a minute, love,

And that moment so soon did fleet

Jun, 14 2010     140 chars (1 sms)     2998 views       Kiss

more Kiss SMS Messages

wat is life??
life is love
wat is love ??
love is kissin
wat is kissin ??
come 2 me i ll show u......love u jaan
Will you love me in December as you do in May,
Will you love me in the good old fashioned way?
When my hair has all turned gray,
Will you kiss me then and say,
That you love me in December as you do in May?"
Kisses blown are kisses wasted.
kisses are not kisses unless they are tasted.
kisses spread germs and germs are hated.
but you can kiss me baby i am vaccinated
Got a gift 4 u! No cost! No batteries required! Tax free, performs silently, extremely personal! Fully returnable! Its a hug from ME 2 U!!
,¤, ¤,,
(''v'') <'' )
(( )) (( ))

"1 kaAm karun?"

¤ , ¤,
( ''<<'' )
(( )) (( ))

"h0nt paR"

"I kiSs You"
what kisses mean
KISS ON HAND=i adore u,
KISS ON CHEEK=lets be friends,
KISS ON NECK=i want u,
KISS ON LIPS=i love u,
KISS ANYWHERE ELSE=...lets not get carried away!
A kiss is special thing that you can cant take without giving,
and you cant give without taking.
I will give you one kiss to go to sleep.
I give you two kisses to dream.
I give you an endless row of kisses to,
when you wake up in the morning, think of me. ;->
I pressed my lips to yours, my love,

To taste your kiss so sweet

You held me for a minute, love,

And that moment so soon did fleet
If luvin'' was aginst the law,
and kissin'' was a crime,
i would gladly spend my life with u,
in prison doin'' time.
whn u kiss a british girl she says "kiss me softly"
whn u kiss a american girl shw says "kiss me hardly" and
whn u kiss a paki girl she says "oai!! kisi nu dussi na"
KISS oR pass
WELLAA gUYS n THis thIng
U have To TELL
DO u wana Kiss THE abOVE persoN
or Just kICK hIS Butt..!!!
WELL nOW starT enJoyIng.....;->