YoU cAn ShOw Me ThE wAy
GiVe Me A sUnNy DaY
WhAt DoEs It MeAnS wItHoUt YoUr LoVe
If I cAn TrAvEl FaR
If I cAn ToUcH tHe StArS
WhErE wOuLd I hAvE bEeN wItHoUt YoUr LoVe
If I cAn FlY aWaY
If I cAn SaIl ToDaY
WhErE wOuLd I hAvE gOnE wItHoUt yOuR lOvE..
If YOU Have Love
In YOUR Life,
It Can Make Up For A
Great Many Things
YOU Lack.
If YOU Don''t Have It,
No Matter What Else
There Is, It''s Not
I m feeling so happy, do u know why? cuz i m so lucky, do u know how? cuz God loves me.Do u know how? cuz he gave me a gift. Do u know what? its YOU my love
They say everything happens for a reason, im left here still trying to figure out the reason you came and left so fast...
it was totally pointless, im just left here completely heartbroken. . . :(