girl SMS Messages825 messages

Easy to say - Difficult to stay..
Beautiful to feel - Difficult to deal...
Difficulty is a part of Life...
But That''s the reason...
Why girlfriend is never a wife
When asked "What is Love?" A girl aged 6 gave this cute reply,

"Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day..."
(girl) :Will U Love Me For The Rest Of My Life?

(Boy) : No

I Will Love U For The Rest Of Mine . . .!!!
I love the way that you look without your make up
I had a girl before we met but we broke up
Theres something ''bout you that makes me want to step up
Step up and be with u If that''s ok with you
I''m gonna make you feel like you are heaven on earth
I''m gonna thank your mother just for giving you birth
I''m gonna wanna hold you in my arms when you cry
If that''s ok with you If that''s ok with you
What Is Luv?
Asked In A Survey,

Answered By A 5 Year girl,

''Luv Is Wen U Tell A Boy

That U Like His Shirt


He Starts Wearing It Everyday''
Any Man Can Love

A Million girls


Can Love One

girl In A Million Ways..
Cutest proposal ever by a boy :

"Do u hug ur teddy bear while sleeping at night?

girl-" Yes "

Boy-Can i replace it for the rest of ur life? (-:
Small girl & boy are seen crying 2gether..

Den askd why?

girl says

"My doll has broken"

Boy says
"I M crying bcoz my doll is crying.."
Cute prOpOsal-

bOy:hey i''ve gOt 2 wOrds tO say yu!



girl:huh- isn''t dat 3 wOrds?

bOy:nO! bcOs yu & i are One-
The Cutest
Proposal of d World from a cute girl to a Boy.......

girl- "Hey, I have lost my SurName....
Can I use Urs"....=)...
A guy was tired of his girlfriends frequent msgs,
which always contained I love u I miss u

Have u taken ur meal? ETC
1 night while lying on the bed the guy recived a msg frm his gf
he didnt bother to read nd went to sleep
Next morning he received a call frm her fone that his girlfriend was killed last night..
He rushed nd read the text which said:
Honey plzz help, sum1 z following me
There was a beautiful girl named Rexona and a hand some boy named Cinthol, Rexona & cinthol fell in love with each other. Rexona parents were Hamam & Margo, cinthol parents were wheel & Nirma, Rexona was very excited to make cinthol his "Life Boy".

They wished to marry and approach their aunt 501 who mannages to convince them. Rexona & cinthol were very happy in thier love they fixed their marrige at " Fair & lovely " garden opposite to Santoor theatre, Medimix city.

They invited their friends Lux, Dove, Dettol, Savlon, Tide, Fa, Jo and others, Rexona and cinthol got married and lived Happily in their Dream land "PEARS" and after 1 year they got twins ''Johnson & Johnson''