dead SMS Messages71 messages

A Sardar & A Wife Were Walking Outside
When The Wife Said,
"Oh Look At The dead Bird!!!"

The Sardar Looked

At Sky & Said,

"Where, Where"???
Santa: I''ve Been
Sending E-mails To
William Shakespare...

Banta: William Shakespare
Is dead, Stupid ...

Santa: No Wonder
He Hasn''t Replied As Well ... ;->
Wen Im dead
Ur Tears May Flow,
Bt I Wont Know,
Cry 4 Me Now, Instead..
Wen Im dead,
Ull Send Flowers,
But I Wont See,
Send Dem Now, Instead..
Wen I M dead,
Ull Say Words Of Praise,But I Wont Hear,
Praise Me Now, Instead..
Wen I M dead,
U Ll 4get My Faults,
But I Wont Know,
4get Dem Now, INSTEAD...!
Baby''s Smile can make Even dead people alive,

Girl''s smile can make
Living people die

Moral-U can believe a child
But never a girl. . . .
2day Thought
Ambition Is A dead Sea Fruit,
And The Greatest Peril To The Soul
Is That One Is Likely To Get Precisely
What He Is Seeking.
-=- T o D a Y z
T h O u G h T -=-

Continuing to fill a pail after
it is full, water will be wasted

Continuing to grind an axe after it
is sharp will wear it away

Excess of light blinds the eye

Excess of sound deafens the ear

Excess of sweet deadens the taste

Too much is always a curse

Most of all in wealth . . .
How Far That
Little Candle Throws
His Beams !
So Shine A Good dead
In A Weary World ...


GuD mOrNiNg ... (:

Before marriage:
Roses are red, sky is blue,
O my darling! I love you…

After Marriage:
Roses are dead,
I have flu,
don’t come near me,
Paray hatt tuu,
A sardarji photographer is focusing
a dead body’s face in a funeral function,
suddenly all dead persons relatives beat him.
why? He said “SMILE PLEASE
What did Tarzan think when he saw a dead Cheetah? Wow! New Underwear.

Girlfriend: And are you sure
you love me and no one else?

Boyfriend: dead Sure!
I checked the whole list again yesterday

Before marriage:
Roses are red, sky is blue,
O my darling! I love you…

After Marriage:
Roses are dead,
I have flu,
don’t come near me,
Paray hatt tuu,