care SMS Messages455 messages

I MaY Not Be a cLocK ThaT maY TexT yOu 24hrs a DaY But My HeArt Will bE LikE a CloCk ThAt will nOt sToP CarIng & SayInG U r aLwaYs RemeMbEreD.
TakE care
GoOd NiTe
I''m sending a pillow of happy thoughts to create wonderful dreams, a blanket of care to comfort you all night
& a prayer to protect until morning.

A day is goin 2 end again. Its been a pleasure to have a friend like u.
i may have 4gotton to say that i care. i may have failed to open up and share but though no wordz have been spoken my promise ov friendship wont b broken.
Colorz may fade,
The sun may not shine,
The moon may not b bright,
Heartbeats may stop,
Lives may pass but our friendship,i''ll treasure till the day my heart stops.
Sweet dreams.
Bye bye.
Have A

“salt Dreamz…”
Bcoz daily sweet is not
Good for U’r health,take care
Night Is A Wonderful Opportunity
2 Pray
2 Love
2 care
2 Sleep
And To Thank All The Blessings We Received Good Night And Sweet Dreamz
Am Sending

A Pilow Of Hapy

Thoughts 2 Create

Wonderful Dreams,

A Blanket Of care

2 Keep U Blessed

In Life N A Prayer

2 Protect U Always

Gud nIghT
Em Sending

A Pillow Of Happy

Thoughts To Create

Wonderful Dreams

A Blanket Of care

To Keep You Blessed In Lyf


A Prayer

To Protect You Alwayz

Gud Night …:->
Take a Good and special care of your self, Almighty ALLAH saves your from all problems Forver and forever GOOD nighte
Sweet Dreams
A simple friend has never seen you cry.
A real friend has shoulders soggy from your tears.
A simple friend thinks the friendship is
over when you have an argument.
A real friend knows that it''s not a friendship
until after you''ve had a fight.
A simple friend hates it when you call
after he has gone to bed.
A real friend asks you why you took so long to call.
A simple friend expects you to always be there for them.
A real friend expects to always be there for you!
Pass this on to anyone you care about....
if you get it back you have found real friends!
All I wanted was sum1 2 care 4 me
All I wanted was sum1 who"d b there 4 me
All I ever wanted was sum1 who"d b true
All I ever wantedwas sum1 like U...
My past says u met me
My future says u wil care 4 me
My present says u wil understand me
But my heart says u wil
Always Remember ME
Relationship doesn"t get closer by meetings,
but it is sweetend by THOUGHTS.
I care for you in my own STRANGE ways.
Maybe you will never know,
Maybe I will never show..