I''m sending a pillow

I''m sending a pillow
I''m sending a pillow of happy thoughts to create wonderful dreams, a blanket of care to comfort you all night
& a prayer to protect until morning.


Jun, 07 2010     181 chars (2 sms)     3480 views       Good Night

more Good Night SMS Messages

You are the reason why I have sleepless nights. You are the reason why I tend to hold my pillow tight. It''s you that I''m thinking when I lay down at night. And you are the reason I can''t sleep without saying goodnight.
DrEam eAcH dAy At
YoUr fUlLeSt


LiVe As

If It Is GoIng tO bE
tHe FuLleSt ...

GoOd NiGht

SwEeT dReAmz ... :)
As day turns to NIGHT.,.Keep your worries out of SIGHT....
No matter how TOUGH the world may seem...you still deserve
txt msg: hello
ur mobile: ssshhhh..my madam is sleeping, pls dont disturb
txt msg: may i vibrate u?
ur mobile: ok ok, go ahead
txt msg: i came here just 2 say gudnite to ur madam
ur mobile: oh, tks..who sent u
txt msg: ur madam''s lover boy.
Night is shorter than day 4 those who Dream. Bt,d day s shorter than nit 4 those who mak their Dreams com true.

Good Niight..
( - , - ) zzz---
(">--<")---Sshh...... its only me putting a blanket on u so
that u wont get cold, have a warm & nice sleeP!GOOD NIGHT
There maybe those on earth who dress better or eat better,

but those who dream of me sleep better and wake up happier!

Good night!
Please dont forget to

"Close your mouth"

gOod nIgHt
If only there was no distance between,i would have kissed u
gudnite...anyway gudnite baby have a nice sleep n god be
with u this week.i luv u.
People Love Money but I Love U Honey, People Love red Shirt but I Love your red Heart, People Love black Ties but I Love your black Eyes,
People Love cold Air but I Love your black Hairs,
People Love sailing Ships but I Love kissing your Lips, People Love Ice Creams but I Love to see you in my Dreams

GooD NiGhT SwEeT HeArT :)
My Day May Be Hectic.

My Schedule May Be Tight.

But I Would Never Let The Day End

Without Saying

Good Night.

Sweet Dreams!
You Are Never Given
A Dreams Without Also
Being Given The
Power To Make It
So Dream Big & You
Will Have What You
Want ...

Good Night ... =)