Let the most beautiful dream

Let the most beautiful dream
Let the most beautiful dream come to u tonight,
Let the sweetest person come in ur dream tonight.
But dont make it a habit bcoz I m not free every night.

Aug, 01 2013     163 chars (2 sms)     2972 views       Good Night

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One Of The Secrets Of A Long & Fruitful Life Is

To Forgive Everybody , Everything

Every Night Before Going To Bed ... =)

Good Night


Sweet Dreamz
Wash your face and wash your feet! Now itz time 2 fall asleep.
Yours eyes are weak N mouth can"t speak so hope tis nite shall
b nice and sweet. Good Nite.
As the day turns into night,
keep your worries out of sight!
No matter how tough the world may seem,
u still deserve the sweetest dream
Sun wudn''t
/I'' Be yellow
Sea wudn''t be Blue
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
- - - -
i Wudn''t be happy
()* "()
widout saying gud nite to u!
Gud night

Agar ap ladkE Ho to aapke
sapane me aishwarya, karina,
aur katrina aye

Aur agar ap larki hO tO aPke
sapne me mai khud Aunga..!
*\\ //*
No matter the sky is black or blue, no matter there''s stars or moon, as long as ur heart is true, sweet dreams will always be wif u. Gd Nite!
If dreamz vrn"t dreamz n if dreamz cum true, i wdnt b here
i wd b vth u. Distance is 1 thing dat kips us apart bt u r
olwaz in my HEART. Gd nyt...
WAT IF I DIE???It wont matter 2 da sky;Same will b da earth;
Da land of my birth;I"ll b helpless & da birdz so brave"
Tat dey"d come & chirp on my grave;People"ll say she had brainz"
Some"ll say but in vain"Da sun will rise da sun will set;
There"ll b no change in da world i bet;There"d b a few
hearts only;Who after me"ll feel lonely;While living i
keep commiting sinzzz;If recorded"ll fill several binzzz;
& if i do some thing good & noble;People"ll remember me
as pious,honest & humble(((GOOD NITE)))TC
A Shining ANGEL Stands

Beside Your Silky Bed,

Calling Ur Nice Name So Softly,

Throwing Flowers On U

And Saying

Good Night


Sweet Dreams.
Ordinary Nights
Become Special
When An
Ordinary Person
Like Me
Takes Time
To Greet
Special Like You!

*Good Night*
A Sleepy Msg From A Sleepy Friend
To A Sleepy Friend For A Sleepy Reason
In A Sleepy Mood At A Sleepy Time
Wid A Sleepy Style To Say Sleepy Sleepy.

Gud Nite ;->