At this moment 3.7 Millions are sleeping,2.3 Millions
are falling in Love,4.1 Million are eating & only one
cute person in the whole world is reading my SMS....
Good Night!!!
somewhere out there beneath the pale moon
somewhere out there beneath the pale moon light someone think in of u some where out there where dreams come true... goodnite & sweet dreams 2 you
LyinG oN mY BeD, LoOkiN at ThE CloCk, I nOe tAt iTs timE 2 zzz.
I WonDeR HoW hAv U bEEn todaY... HopE Tat EveryTHinG is FInE..
WiSh u sweeT dReaMz n Sleep TiGhT!
A day is going to end again. It is nice to have a friend
like U making my everyday seems so great. Thank U my good
friend lastly gd nite n sweet dreams...
Dreaming of you makes my night worthwhile, Thinking of you makes me smile, Being with you is the best thing ever, And loving you is what Ill do forever.. Good night