Hoping an angel of Mercy sits next 2 u alwayz & cover U wid a gentle wing
$o dat U @lways be wrappd in Allah''s Grace, & remain
Protectd & Peaceful.
Gud nite
U might b sleeping
U might b awake
there’s a feeling i
just cant shake…
I know deep inside
this feeling is right
the uncontrolable
urge 2 say….
Wash your face and wash your feet! Now itz time 2 fall asleep.
Yours eyes are weak N mouth can"t speak so hope tis nite shall
b nice and sweet. Good Nite.
A very original GUD NIGHT, Bware of cheap & duplicate wishes in d market. I''''m the only authorized dealer 4 GUD NIGHT wishes approved by "CHANDA MAMA"
Gud Night...