care SMS Messages455 messages

In Life All Failure Are To 2 Reasons:

1) Actionless


2) Thoughtless

So Take care Of Both,
Thoughts & Actions.
We Always Look And care

For The Person Whom

We Like Most....

But We Fail To Look Back

For Those Who Like

And care 4 Us The Most.
In Life,

Future is a Question Paper,

Past is a News Paper


Present is an Answer Paper!

So, Read, Learn & Write carefully.
Yesterday is a waste paper.

Today is a news paper.

Tomorrow is question paper.

but Life is an answer paper.

So be careful what u write on it..
|| ToDaYz ThOuGhT ||

Grief Can Take care Of Itself


To Get The Full Value Of joy

You Must Have Somebody

To Divide It With ... :)
HeAvEn Is UnDeR tHe
FeEt Of "M.O.T.H.E.R"

care , VaLuE & SeRvE uR MoThEr


SuCcEsS wIlL bE uR dEsTiNy


OnLy ShE''s SeLfLeSs To u
In ThE wOrLd
If The First Button Of a Shirt Is Wrongly Put
All The Rest Are Surely Crooked

So Always Be careful On Your First Step

Rest Will Come Correct...!!!!
Thought Of The Day :)

We must have a theme, a goal,
a purpose in our lives.
If you don’t know where you’re aiming,
you don’t have a goal.
My goal is to live my life in such a way
that when I die,
someone can say,
He cared.

"When Parents care, it is restriction
When Boyfriend 0r Girlfriend restrict, It is Caring."

Think it Once plz !
where v r going !!! :|
Bees that have Honey
in their Mouth have
Stings in their Tail . . .
So be careful from People
Who pretend to be Sweet
Sweetness is in Honey,
not in the BEE . . .
Rain Is A Wonderful Oppoutinity
To Pray
To Love
To care
To Share
To Enjoy
To Thank Allah For All His Blessings We
Wish U
Happy Rainy Season
Rain is a wonderful opportunity

To love

To care

To share

To enjoy


To thank God 4 all His blessings we receive