care SMS Messages455 messages

Receive my simple gift of Luv wrapped with Sincerity, Tied with care & Sealed with Blessings to Keep u Happy & Safe all the life long. Happy New Year.
At the end of da year.
Thanx to those who hated me,
they made me a stronger person.

Thanx to those who loved me,
they made my heart bigger.

Thanx to those who were worried about me,
they let me know that they cared about me.

Thanx to those who left me,
they made me realize that nothing lasts forever.

Thanx to those who entered my life never left,
they made me know who i am.
Special thanks to all my friends,
who supp0rted me thr0ugh0ut da
year.. (:->
Duk de gulu ba gulzar v ze ba ne yam
Pe guluno ba bahar v ze ba ne yam
Yawa warz ba da jahan rapase gure
Pe ma khawore ba ambar v ze ba ne yam
Nan zama pe her khawahish bande inkar kre
Sta pe shundo ba iqrar v ze ba ne yam
Yawa warz ba zama qaber der maloom she
Kho pe ma ba jor MAZAR v ze ba ne yam...take care......
There R 7 Girls In A Bus
Each Girl Has 7 Bags
7 Big Cats In Each Bag
Each Cat Has 7 Small Cats
How Many LEGS R In The Bus????
Read care Fully & Send Ur Answer.
Its Challenge 4 U All.....
One Try Only
Choose one part of the tree
and find out intresting facts about ur attitude







Do reply.

Answers :

Leaf: make friends for ur benefit

Branch:U hv 2 affairs

Stem: U r brave and riscky

Root: U care for others

Flower: U r proud of urself

Fruit: U love those who loves U.
A - Roses
B - Tension
C - Understanding
D - Heart
E - Romance
F - Fight
G - care
H - Money
I - Respect
J - Nothing
K - Freedom
L - Kids
M - Suche Mhbt
N - Satsfaction
O - Posesivens
P - Friendship
Q - Gifts
R - Chocolates
S - Lots of Love (Gud Luck)
T - Pain
U - Happiness
V - Rudeness
W - Kisses
X - Tears
Y - Attitude
Z - Forever Love
Be careful
Not To Stretch The Truth
To Take Advantage Of Sme1
Who Is In A Vulnerable Position
Act Fairly N Honestly
Affection Is Not
Measured When
Both Take care Of
Each Other
It Is Measured
When One Ignores
And The Other Still
Continues To care ...

~ Shakespeare ~
"Don''t Show So Much
Of care To Anyone


It Creates A
Non-Curable Pain
They Start Avoiding
You ......
Hey Sis,
When The World Goes Dark,
Stars Are There…
When The Journey Breaks Up,
Hope Is There…
When The Entire World Is Vanished,
And You Feel Left Alone…
Tilt Your Head And Look Beside You,
Will Bring You Comfort Feeling Of
care And Affection Molds On You,
As Your Brother Is Always Beside You
To Pour The Special Love And Affection Forever…

Santa Lost His Cheque Book

Bank Manager:
Be careful,
Anyone Can Put Ur Sign ...

Oye, I''m Not A Fool,
I Have Already Signed
All Cheques ... ;->

A Rupee iS Easy 2 Earn
a Smile iS Hard 2 Find
Rupee Loses iTs Value
Smile Increases iTs Worth
I Lost a Rupee Wen I sms U
Who cares
iF I Won uR Smile ;->