care SMS Messages455 messages

Hello, wakup, Receive my simple gift of "GOOD MORNING"
wrapped with sincerity, tied with care and sealed with
a prayer to keep u safe and happy all day long! Take care!
The sun rises into the sky with the warmest smile, he wishes
you a good morning, hoping that you have the perfect day.
Take care & miss you. Gd morning
All mornings are like Paintings:-U need a little inspiration to
get going,a little smile to brighten up & SMS from someone who
cares to color ur day...G@@D [email protected] a Nice Day..
One day Monday went toTuesday to see Wednesday and ask
Thursday wheather Frday has told Saturday that SundaY is
a FUN day....Good morning...
think u r very careless! U come & leave things behind!
See now what U hav left! U just came in my mind & left
a SMILE on MY Face. Good Morning
I have a pair of eyes but can"t C U everyday....
Have a pair of ears, but can"t hear ur voice everyday....
But I do have a heart... that cares for you everyday.
Good Morning.
Words and hearts should be handle with care because words
when spoken and hearts when broken are the hardest thing
to repair. Good Morning.
I have a special BREAKFAST for you today,
A glass of care,
A plate of LOVE,
A spoon of PEACE,
A fork of TRUST and A bowl of PRAYER.
One of the joys in life is waking up each day with thoughts
that somewhere, Someone cares enough to send a warm morning
greeting! Good morning and enjoy the day!
I asked God to make u happy, make u smile, guide u safely
thru every mile;Grant u wealth, give u health & most of all
give u love & care.Good Morning Dear.
U may think that I forgot u. U may think that I don"t care,
And U may think that I"m not thinking of u. Well, you"re wrong.
You"re still in My Dreams.
Begin the day with a light heart. Let all your worries be
swept aside at night. Smile a moment and thank God, for every
moment He cares for you all the way.:-)
Receive my simple gift of "GOOD MORNING" wrapped with sincerity,
tied with care and sealed with a prayer to keep u safe and happy
all day long! Take care!