care SMS Messages455 messages

if i would know that i m gonna die tomorrow, i''ll spend 23 hours with u and if u wonder what about the last that i;ll find someone who can take care of you always...miss u...
Changes in life are good, but see to that changes don''t take you far away from the people who love and care you...including myself!
Hi Bear,
I m here
and u r there
but dont care
far or near,
we can share
happiness and tear
come here
thora or near
sit on chair
listen with care

I miss you.

I miss your warm eyes,
the way you listen and care.
I miss your kisses
and all that we share.

I miss you.

I miss the touch of your hand,
so reassuring and sincere,
and the moments we spend together,
that I hold dear.

I miss you.

I miss all of the caring
things you do,
and spending the evening
alone with you.

I miss you.

I look forward to tomorrow
knowing that then,
I''ll be one day closer
to seeing you again.

You must have
guessed it by now...
I miss you!
Someone remembers
someone cares..
ur name is whispered in somebody''s prayers.
Keep the bright hope of sunshine in view,
someone is warmly thinking of You.
i may seldom tell u how special u are,
i may not be able to reach u
we''re both busy,
but in spite of all,
u know u are someone
i really miss & care about.
I Knew I''d Miss You.

When you care about someone
as much as I do about you,
being apart is a hard thing to get used to.
I thought I''d handle it just fine...
and that I''d be happy just to keep you
on my mind.
But it isn''t always that easy...
Sometimes the one thing that
would please me the most...
is simply seeing you.
I knew that I''d miss you.
I just didn''t know
I''d miss you as much as I do.
Your soul touching mine

Your heart feeling mine

Your body caressing mine

Your thoughts in my head

Your love filling me totally

Surrounding me engulfing

My entire being in its warmth

Yes I m missing you
A Couple Had 3 Children Naming NC,MC N ABC.

Some1 Asked The Meaning, They Told:
1st Natural Curiosity
2nd Mutual Consent N
3rd Absolute Bloody carelessness :P
Receive my simple gift of LOVE
Wrapped with SINCERITY
Tied with care &
Sealed with BLESSINGS
2 Keep u HAPPY & SAFE all the life long.
Receive my simple gift of LOVE
Wrapped with SINCERITY
Tied with care &
Sealed with BLESSINGS
2 Keep u HAPPY & SAFE all the life long.
Receive my simple gift of "LOVE"
Wraped with "SINCERITY"
Tied with "care" &
Sealed with "DUA"
2 Keep u "HAPPY" & "SAFE" all the life.