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Life Looks Cute & beautiful With a FRIEND Like You...
Good day
The mist turn to light...morning takes over the night

Another beautiful day dawning..its time to say good morning.. so Rise n shine!!!
Morning is not only a surprise but a beautiful miracle of God that defeats the darkness and spreads the light. May this be a beautiful day. Gud Morning.
As the sky breaks into a beautiful sunrise, may God open the heavens to shower U lots of luv & happiness to make ur day a meaningful one.

Good Morning!
Good Morning to All..!
It''s not presence of sumone dat brings meaning to life,
but it''s d way dat sumone touches ur soul.
which gives life a beautiful "MEANING".
Today wrap a rainbow of Joy in ur heart,

let d sun paint a Smile on ur face,

remove all clouds of doubt n fears

n may u simply have a beautiful day!!

When u find a DREAM
inside ur HEART...
don''t ever let it go...
Coz dreams r the tiny seeds
frm which beautiful

Have a dreamful day!

good morning !!!
Bright beautiful Dawn

Sing a Song rhythmic and long

Fly away all the fears of heart

Yours is the world

Just Make a start

Destination is Just a "Determination" Apart

Good Morning . . . :)
Morning is not
only sunrise,
Its a beautiful Miracle of GOD that
defeats darkness &
spreads light,
may this 1 b the
Most Beutiful Day
You Can Take No Credit For Beauty At Sixteen.

But If You Are beautiful At


It Will Be Your Soul''s Own Doing.

<< Gud Morning >>
Understand Ho beautiful GOD has Added One More Day In Your Life . Not Beacause You Need It BEacause Someone Eles Needs You ...

(( GoOOood mOrnInnG ))
" I hAvE
WaS nOt beautifUk .... "

sTaRt uR dAy WiD a GrEat SmIle On Ur FaCe

kEeP sMiLiNg
HaVe A gReAt DaY ....