beauti SMS Messages362 messages

beautiful people reflect God in their lives,

They think his thoughts,

Speak his words and love without end,

please remain a wonderful person always.
=/// TodAyZ ThoUghT ///=

" iT iS Not |mportant That You Are Beauitful . . .

iT iS beautiful That You Are
|mportant . . . "
||. . . ToDaYz ThOuGhT . . .||

The Best Cosmetics In Life . . .

Truth For Lips

Confidence For Eyez

Charity For Hands

Smile For Face

Love For Heart

Use Them Well And Make Life beautiful
|| ToDaYzZz ThOuGhT ||

" It iS nOt ImPoRtaNt
ThAt YoU ArE beautifUl ...

iT Is beautifUl tHaT
yOu aRe
ImPorTaNt ... "
|| beautiful Saying ||

Words Are Under Ur Control

Until U Speak Them,

But U Come Under Their Control

Once U Have Spoken Them
| A beautifUl tHoUgHt |

The Wisdom
Of Compromise


Its Better
To Bend
A Little

Rather Than

To Break
Any Relation
Forever ....
>> A beautifUl ThOuGht <<

" NeEdIng SoMeOnE

Is HaLf Of LoVe


BeInG tHeRe

WhEn ThEy NeEd YOU

Is ThE OtHeR HaLf " (:
A beautiful Thought ...



Is Able To See YOU

As The Wonderful Person


Created YOU To Be ... (:
beautiful Quote

"Everyday Starts With

Some Expectation

" But "

Everyday Ends

With Some Experience "
For Attractive Lips ,
Speak Words Of
Kindness .

For Lovely Eyes ,
Seek Out The Good In
People .

For Good Health ,
Share Your Food With
The Hungry

For beautiful Hair ,
Let A Child Runs His
Fingers Through It
Once A Day .

For Poise ,
Walk With The
Knowledge, You Nver
Walk Alone...
A beautiful Life Does Not just Happen..

It Builds Daily..

In Prayer, Humility, Sacrifice & Luv..

May A beautiful Life Be Yours,

Today n Forever.
A beautiful Thought

"And In The End
It''s Not The Years In
Your Life That Count...
It''s The Life In Your Years..."

~Abraham Lincoln~