beauti SMS Messages362 messages

Flowers+butterfly = A beautiful scene.
Stars+moon = A romantic night.
Rain+monsoon = A lovely weather.
U+ur smile = Bhaago Bhoot aaya.
Those beautiful eyes,
that incredible body,
such a brain,
a sexy mouth,
nice smile ....
but that is enough about me,
tell me how you are?
If u say my eyes are beautiful, its b"coz they are looking at u,
for my eyes are just the windows my feelings come thru!!
Life ends when you stop dreaming,
hope ends when you stop believing
and love ends when you stop caring.
So dream hope and love...Makes Life beautiful
Last night , thinking of u,
one tear rolled out,
i asked why r u out?
Tear said there is someone so beautiful in ur eyes,
now there is no place for me.
Faith makes all things possible. Hope makes all things work. Love makes all things beautiful. I Love You my only love.
I,Me, Myself, Yes me,I
Crazily, Think about you!
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart
There Was Once A beautiful Star, Up In The Skies
That Broke Into Two One Day
And Became Ur Eyes
I’ve Been Star Gazing Since . . .
Man Askd God: What''s LOVE . . .? ? ?

GOD Said: Go To The Garden & Get The Most beautiful Flower.

Man Returned Empty Handed & Told Tht: I Found The Most beautiful Flower But I Ket Walking In Hope Of A Better One And Then I Realised I Ignored The Best One. I Went Back But Could Not Find It There. . .

GOd Said: This Is LOVE . . .! ! !
U Don''t Value It When u Have It
Repent When U Lose It. . .

So Never Let Ur Love Go . . .
Easy to say - Difficult to stay..
beautiful to feel - Difficult to deal...
Difficulty is a part of Life...
But That''s the reason...
Why Girlfriend is never a wife
Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot...

who calls you back when you hang up on him...

who will stay awake just to watch you sleep...

wait for the guy who kisses your forehead...

who holds your hand in front of his friends...

this is Love ,true love will knock on your heart Anytime...
She said she usually cried at least once each day not because she was sad

but because the world was so beautiful and life was so short

Tears are summer showers to the SOUL